From Elsewhere. Things are bad in US schools

Please note that the Ruined Leon video featured in this post may well be considered as Not Safe For Work.

A while back I discovered an excellent American commentator who goes by the name of RuinedLeon who like me has a problem with identity politics and education systems that have changed from ones that inform children about the world to ones that indoctrinate children into ideologies. He’s damned good at picking holes in groups like the Marxist/BLM ones and has consistently urged those who are members of minority groups to deal properly and effectively with their wrong’uns.

RuinedLeon is also very good at highlighting the pushback by parents against educators who are in both their view and mine, crossing the line that divides what is acceptable to teach children when it comes to matters pertaining to sexuality and what is not. In the video below RuinedLeon shows how some extremely sexually explicit content is being aimed at teenagers and below by schools and how parents are starting to revolt against the schools and education authorities that are doing this.


I know that things are bad with regards education about sexuality and gender in the United Kingdom, with some questionable activist groups having far too much input into education policies, but in the USA the situation appears much worse. There the lunatics really do appear to have taken over the asylum.

2 Comments on "From Elsewhere. Things are bad in US schools"

  1. Deirdre Cripps | October 25, 2022 at 9:13 am |

    It seems that there is no talk even of romantic attraction, in this ‘educational’ material, just “sexual attraction”, as though others are potential (in the words of sensible American psychotherapist Adam Lane Smith) “masturbation objects” or seekers of such. I believe youngsters are far more likely to feel (wisely or unwisely) romantic attraction toward certain individuals before they falsely equate sexual activity with emotional closeness. “You hate gay people!” seems like the new “Racist!” or “Islamophobia!” when someone wants to shut others up: I hope such usage will rapidly lose clout.

    I have been listening to Adam Lane Smith recently on YouTube. Thank goodness, someone around speaking sense and reaching the masses! I was a teenager in the 1960s, when giving and receiving “vaginal approval” burst on the mass western youth scene as the alleged ‘liberated’ and ‘enlightened’ way to behave (so-called “free love”)! Religions that went tsk tsk but offered no explanation of why, or appeared to suggest that it was OK for men but women should behave themselves, were ignored or castigated. While some influencers (generational descendants of that befuddled era) currently seem to be hyping and, clandestinely or otherwise, campaigning for an oversexualised dead-end, I am glad there is a Mr Smith providing alternative counsel for steps to a saner future.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 25, 2022 at 9:31 am |

      I completely agree that the vast majority of this troublesome material is solely focused on a mechanistic view of sex and leaves out romantic attraction and romantic desires. It does encourage young people to treat other individuals as wank objects which does’t strike me to be right and which may be down to too much porn being consumed far too young.

      The unwarranted use of the term ‘homophobe’ and ‘transphobe’ have as has the word ‘racist’ become, yet another snarl word designed to shut people up and shut down debate.

      Some good things came out of the time of which you speak things such as equal rights for men and women and allowing adults to live the life that most suits them however it has had some downsides and one of those is oversexualisaiton of society and inappropriate types of sexualisation. As for the ‘influencers’ many of them who I would not trust to influence a half brick let alone a generation of humans.

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