He’s not wrong there.


Elon Musk said:

He’s not wrong at all there. The Guardian did used to be a good paper with stories and opinion pieces that were worth reading and sometimes, when it was required, challenged the readers perceptions. It once gave voices to those who were not often heard in other newspapers but now it’s little more than the house organ for the out of touch upper middle class ‘Hampstead’ Left.  Although Mr Musk has hopes that the Guardian might one day become the great centre-left paper it once was, personally I think they’ve permanently ruined themselves by becoming a far left propaganda sheet.

2 Comments on "He’s not wrong there."

  1. I gave up reading the Guardian a long time ago – I agree with EM that it used to offer a more balanced view.
    Also, no ‘journalist’ at the sinking ship will answer my inquiries about the Scott Trust’s involvement in slavery – the paper’s original finances were based on that immoral involvement, but they all pretend otherwise.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 1, 2022 at 9:24 am |

      Cultures throughout history have had slavery in one form or another, what differentiates the Judeo-Christian West is that we abolished it and did so for ethical reasons. I’m not surprised to hear that the Guardian is not answering questions about slavery and its early founders as it is a bit of a throwing stones in glass houses sort of thing.

      I’d like the Guardian to recover to become what it once was but it might be too late for that and the paper is too far gone.

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