Quote of the Day. 17th January 2023. The nonsense on stilts that is non-binary identities.


I defy anyone to find anything as nonsensical or fact free as the claim made by some that ‘non-binary identities’ are a thing. They are not. Never in recorded history has there been any reference to the existence of these identities. Sure there have been hermaphrodites, eunuchs and transvestites and even those who cast themselves out of their own sex based societies to do the stuff stereotypically seen as being of the other sex’s purview. There have also been instances where individuals have played around with gender expression in the context of their societies. But the archaeologists have never found human remains in sufficient quantity that could be reasonably said to be of neither sex.

There have been no pelvic bones discovered that are abnormally neither male nor female, at least in the sort of quantities that could indicate that the past was not only a different country but one inhabited by a great many of those who were half way between men and women. Where such unusual bones have been found that mark out the owner as having some congenital sex based deformity, they are just that, deformed bones and not an indication that the past contained a lot of non-binaries.

The lack of evidence that proves that non binary is a real thing is increasingly leading me to believe that those who are claiming that they are non-binary are basically just narcissistic attention seekers. In the current era, at least in the West, the quickest way to get the Establishment and in particular the arts and entertainment Establishment to take notice of you is to make some outlandish and clearly untrue, claim that you are neither male nor female. Claim that you are ‘non-binary’ and you will be feted, claim that biological sex matters and you will be criticised, slandered and excluded from what passes these days for polite society.

If those who made false claims to be ‘non-binary’ just kept their delusions to themselves or kept them private among friends then this might not be the big issue that it is becoming. But unfortunately this not what happens. The non-binary claiming wankers whine and scream like demented toddlers in order that things like music awards pander to their non-binary delusion even if granting their wishes ends up excluding real women from having their achievements acknowledged. Where bowing to the false claims of non-binary identity leads is to arts and music awards dropping the gendered categories such as best actor, best actress or best male or female singer and opting instead for gender neutral best actor or best singer categories. The result of such bowing and scraping to the self centred non-binary claimants is that we end up with a situation that occurred with the Brit music awards recently where all the best singer nominees are those who were born male, women it seems have been excluded in order to make way for the non-binary wankers.

Brendan O’Neill writing in Spiked magazine really summed up what’s going on with the nonsensical non-binary nutcases and indeed what’s going on in the wider world of the cult of trans. Mr O’Neill said:

For the narcissist, the world is a mirror’, said Christopher Lasch. The narcissist must always see ‘his “grandiose self” reflected in the attentions of others’, he said. So it is with the trans movement. It expects every realm of society – every awards ceremony, every woman’s space, every linguistic tradition – to bow and scrape before its post-truth, ahistorical belief that people are whatever sex they say they are. The truly oppressive force was not the Brits having male and female categories but the pressure put on the Brits to scrap those categories in order to flatter the narcissistic delusions of a few nonbinaries. This is the opposite of a civil-rights movement. Progressive movements in the past were concerned with changing the world to make it better for all. The regressive, navel-gazing cult of gender play is obsessed with altering the world so that its own adherents never have to encounter an idea or a space that dents their fragile egos.

Spot on there. I believe that it should be quite possible for society to make a space for the infinitesimal number of genuine adult transsexuals who find that transitioning is their only hope of mental salvation but without caving in to narcissists like Sam Smith and those like him or giving a free pass to various trans identified predators. There should be times and places where narcissistic non-binary tossery is told to go and do one. Those places should of course include those environments that for damned good reason are women only such as toilets, changing rooms and award ceremonies where the specifically female categories exist for very good reasons indeed.

8 Comments on "Quote of the Day. 17th January 2023. The nonsense on stilts that is non-binary identities."

  1. Julian LeGood | January 17, 2023 at 11:45 am |

    It’s a form of mental illness and as such needs treating. However there aren’t the spaces in the clinics. They’ll have to join the queue behind all the others needing help, though personally I’d be directing funds to the young (and very young) at risk of suicide.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 17, 2023 at 1:25 pm |

      Certainly agree that more resources should go into child and adolescent mental health. A great deal of good could be done at much less cost by doing away with the affirmation only approach to trans patients, an approach that has been pushed on the medical profession by trans activist groups.

      Another thing to consider is why is this non-binary nonsense and its associated mental illness and fragility a problem for the here and now? Something has gone badly wrong in our society if people in large numbers see mutilating themselves or negating their core essence as a way forward or a way out of distress.

      • Julian LeGood | January 17, 2023 at 1:47 pm |

        mass hysteria, influencers and social media, trash telly & stupidity

        • Fahrenheit211 | January 17, 2023 at 2:18 pm |

          Yep. I would not be at all surprised to find out that the cohort of young women who claim to be trans or non-binary are also the same cohort of people who make up or made up the majority of other body based fads such as eating disorders and self harm. Prior to the trans craze on the web it was overly thin young women online encouraging other similarly overly thin young women to diet.

          • Julian LeGood | January 17, 2023 at 2:35 pm |

            I’m conflated in respect of eating disorders (a) they are real, without a doubt but (b) The whole “thinspiration” being thin is normal “industry” fueled by other mentally ill girls was just wrong wrong wrong.

            I designed a CAMHS unit for teen agers with an eating disorder, but unlike any other clinical department I designed I had absolutely no understanding of the causes, the condition or the treatment. Beyond me.

            • Fahrenheit211 | January 17, 2023 at 2:47 pm |

              The thing with eating disorders is that they can appear out of the blue without any cause being easily discernible. The problem is once this body image eating disorder issue is there it can be affirmed by peer group and peer pressure in a very similar way to how the trans craze is spreading.

  2. Hopefully the tide is turning against all this madness, I just hope that the backlash doesn’t swing the pendulum back too far in the other direction.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 20, 2023 at 1:21 pm |

      The tide might be turning among the public and among those who are starting to become aware of the problems that the cult of trans causes, but this ideology still has the political and administrative classes in a vice like grip. Like you I can see a backlash coming and I also fear that it will hit the innocent as well as the guilty. If a reasonable accommodation cannot be found that recognises that women’s and children’s rights are paramount but still allows the miniscule number of people who genuinely suffer from gender identity disorder to live as they wish then louder and more often will be the calls from various quarters, including feminists, to do away with gender recognition altogether.

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