From Elsewhere: What ‘lovely’ people do the Labour Party employ.

New Labour, old nonces.

Excellent investigative reporting from Kernel Magazine on the story of Luke Bozier the former adviser on ‘digital matters’ with the Labour Party.

According to Kernel mag:

“Luke Bozier, disgraced former business partner of Tory MP Louise Mensch and advisor to the Labour party, has been ‘dating’ young girls while calling on his blog for the age of consent to be lowered to 13, for 13-year-old girls to be able to work as prostitutes, and for necrophilia to be legalised.”

Read the rest of the investigation here:

Although the Labour party has been swift to say that Bozier had no contact with former PM Tony Blair, it is still amazing that someone in the Labour party thought that Bozier was a suitable person to be employed by them.   Bozier’s proposals and his writings amount in truth to nothing more than a charter for nonces.

Bozier unsuccessfully attempted to become the Labour party candidate for the Derby North constituency in 2009  and defected to the Conservatives in January 2012 although the Conservatives have denied Bozier’s claims that he was considered for a Parliamentary seat.

This is not someone who has hidden his predelictions for underage girls yet he was welcomed into the Labour party, given the chance to apply for a seat and also given a position within the party structure. Was there not anyone in the party hierarchy who asked themselves;  ‘there is something not entirely right with this bloke, lets investigate.’  Kernel magazine have done what the Labour party and her former business partner Louise Mensch so obviously failed to to which was to check this character out.