This is what your future new neighbour could be like. Syrian accused of carrying out three assaults on women in a mere two hours.

Violent 'Syrian' and other 'refugees' in Greece.
Violent 'Syrian' and other 'refugees' in Greece.

Violent ‘Syrian’ and other ‘refugees’ in Greece. Prepare to accept extreme misogyny.

If David Cameron wanted to get a handle on what it was going to cost Britain to bring in thousands of ‘Syrians’ who are allegedly ‘refugees’, then he could not have done better than look at the experiences of the Swedes and the Germans. Both these countries have had caused them some appalling problems by ‘Syrian’ ‘refugees’. There are reports out there of gangs of ‘Syrians’ and other ‘refugees’, going mob handed into supermarkets and stealing whatever they want. Headteachers have had to warn their teenage female pupils to be more ‘rape aware’ than they had previously had to be, all because a ‘refugee’ centre had opened up near to the school. The import of these ‘Syrians’ and other types of Middle Eastern Islamic savage is doing great damage to European damage and will continue to do damage unless these invaders are either removed or otherwise neutralised.

Now we have another ‘Syrian’ displaying his presumably Islamic uncivilised and animalistic tendencies for all the world to see. This particular ‘Syrian’, one of those invited into Germany by the Chancellor Frau Merkel, managed to put on a marathon display of aggression by attacking four German women in only two hours. Now that is a quite remarkable ‘assault rate’ even for an Islamic savage, who, as we now know all too well, are often more than a little ‘rapey’.

What sort of ‘culture’ is that brings a man up to think that he has the right to attack women and that women outside of his culture, or women who are free are for him fair game? Is it one that begins with the letter ‘I’ and ends in the letter ‘M’? I do believe it could be.

Here is a report on the latest ‘Syrian’ violent sex offending ‘refugee’ to trouble Germany from the news site Brietbart:

German police have arrested a 24-year-old Syrian migrant on Wednesday for a string of attacks on German women, including sex assaults.

Striking in the East German Saxon town of Mittweida, the man attacked women in the early hours. A police spokesperson said the first assault was at 05:50 on Wednesday morning, as the migrant attacked a 30-year-old woman and demanded money from her. When she refused, he started to sexually molest her.

The woman was saved from the attack when she fought back and cried out, alerting others to the situation. One witness called out to the attacker that he had called the police, prompting the Syrian man to break off his attack and run, reports the Chemnitz Freie Presse, to whom local police also confirmed the nationality of the suspect.

Just 20 minutes later the man struck again, this time attempting to rape a 50-year-old woman, pulling her to the ground. This woman too was released by the perpetrator only when a 26-year-old witness ran to her aid, again causing the man to flee.

Shortly afterwards, and just an hour after the start of the first assault the man struck again, asking a 63-year-old woman for money. When she refused his request, the migrant attempted to snatch her handbag, but again ran away when confronted with resistance. This time, the victim started to hit the attacker with her umbrella.

Armed with the descriptions of all three victims, the police were able to quickly arrest the suspect, who told officers he was unable to remember any attacks as he was under the influence of alcohol. The suspect stood before a magistrate this morning wearing the clothes he had been arrested in — a khaki t-shirt and cut-off jeans.

The more I see of these stories the more I’m convinced that letting in any more of these ‘refugees’ will be an utter disaster. Far too many of them are of a demographic that is troublesome anyway, young males with low skills and low intelligence, but add in an adherence to Islam as an ideology, and Islamic cultural misogyny and you have a critical mass of problems.

The Prime Minister and the Home Secretary have explained to the British people that there will be vetting of the Syrians which the government is importing, at the insistence of the terminally stupid and the suicidally compassionate types from the ‘refugees welcome’ crowd. However, we have no idea how thorough this vetting will be or will it cover areas such as attitudes to women, gays etc etc. Knowing the incompetence of this government and the sclerotic mess of the Civil Service, I’d be surprised if the vetting went much beyond the sort of questions that a competent and well briefed jihadi liar could easily answer. What probably will not be properly weeded out are the sort of misgogynist sex offenders like the ones causing havoc for German women.

I can understand where the desire to help people displaced by the Syrian war comes from but if help had been given to people closer to the source of the conflict and if ‘refugee’ status had been taken off of the table, then many Syrians would have been helped in Syria or Turkey. Most importantly European women would have been spared the sort of sex attack epidemic that the ‘Syrians’ are bringing to the European continent.

I can’t help wondering just how long it will be before Britons discover that the ‘Syrians’ the UK has been landed with, have a bit too much in common with the sort of troublesome ‘Syrians’ that are causing havoc in Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium etc. When that happens I promise not to say ‘I told you so’ too loudly.


To original story on Brietbart site