Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S**thole volume 47 – The land of Islamic wife-beating.

One of the things that characterises Islamic shitholes is extreme misogyny. It doesn’t matter whether these Islamic shitholes are in some far away country of which we care sod all about, or if they are the growing number of shitholes that Muslims have created in our own countries, in places like Birmingham or Bradford.  Wherever Islam goes so does Islamic gyno-hatred.

But Pakistan really is the shithole of all Islamic shitholes. It’s an object lesson on what happens when Islam is allowed to control a country. Now Pakistan has only been an independent country since the late 1940’s when it gained independence from Britain. In that time Pakistan has spent much of the time circling the cultural, political and economic drain. If you wanted to know what would happen if you gave a country to a bunch of backwards barbarians then the answer to that question would be ‘Pakistan’.

Today’s example of the horrors that have been created by Islam in Pakistan relate to the Islamic gyno-hatred that I mentioned earlier. It appears that clerics in that benighted land have said that wife beating is permitted. If this was just the usual sort of isolated woman hating Islamic mental case that we see too much of in the world today then it would hardly be noteworthy, but this lot of mentalist clerics are spiritual advisors to the Pakistan government.

According to the Daily Mail the ruling by clerics who rule over these Islamic savages have said that women can be ‘beaten lightly’ if they fail to obey their husbands.

The Daily Mail said:

The Council of Islamic Ideology has proposed allowing a man to ‘lightly beat’ his wife if she does not ‘dress as he desires’, refuses to have sex, or fails to take a bath after her period. 

The 20-member council is a constitutional body of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, but can only advise the government rather than make laws.

Its latest proposals come as part of its own women protection bill, after it rejected Punjab province’s controversial Protection of Women against Violence Act, branding it un-Islamic.

It suggests that women can be beaten if they refuse to have sex without a religious excuse or fail to bathe after intercourse and periods. 

Women should also be beaten for not wearing hijabs, or for speaking so loudly that strangers can hear them, it recommends.

The bill argues that women should be banned from military combat, welcoming foreign delegations and appearing in advertisements, and must have spousal permission to give monetary support to somebody.

Female nurses should be banned from taking care of male patients and there should be no-co-education after primary school, it suggests.

It’s astounding to look at these rulings and proposals it really is. I look at them and I’m immediately reminded of some of the more gross aspects of Apartheid or the Jim Crow Laws or similar discriminatory systems. It really is a form of gender apartheid with women being treated as being slightly less than human. It is misogyny of the most appalling kind.

It’s also the sort of misogyny that too much of the Western feminist establishment refuse to see. The likes of Laurie Penny or others who bang on about various petty third wave feminist concerns seem to have a blind spot when it comes to Pakistani and Islamic misogyny. Whatever ails Western woman and makes them unequal is relatively minor compared to the conditions for women in Pakistan. Everytime I hear a Western feminist going on about ‘mansplaining’ or ‘rape culture’ I want to ask them this question: Why are you not attacking Islamic misogyny where the issue is a matter of life and death for Muslim women and not merely and infinitesimally small gender pay gap or whether men spread their legs on public transport.

Pakistani misogyny and gyno-hatred is the crime that Western feminists refuse to see and by doing so they denigrate feminism as a whole. The feminists I grew up with, worked with and sometimes dated didn’t think like this, they cared, and where they could helped women in situations that were considerably worse than their own. Not today’s feminists, they refuse to see what should be seen.

Those left orientated women who think that Islam is a religion of peace and that it is compatible with Western free societies should take a look at Pakistan and what is happening there. If they do then they will see that allowing Islam any sort of influence in any sort of society will only kill any freedoms that women have won.

Islam created Pakistan and Islam created the Pakistani shithole.


Original story from Daily Mail