New Years Eve sex attacks, it’s not only in Germany that these are a problem.


The problem of violent Islamic sexual savagery at public events is not sadly a problem that is confined to Germany. It seems that according to reports in the online news site Breitbart, Austria was also afflicted by Muslim sex offenders targeting women and young girls.

Islamic savages were reported as being involved in a large number of incidents across Austria where fireworks were thrown at people and women were groped by individual Muslims and gangs of Muslims. Just as in Germany these Muslims terrorised Austrian citizens in a number of cities including Graz, Vienna, Salzburg and in the Tyrol region.

Here’s part of the report from Breitbart detailing the appalling problems that Austria’s imported Muslims have caused.

Breitbart said:

Emergency services were inundated Saturday night across Austria as multiple reports of sex assaults emerged, many committed by young men described as having a foreign appearance.

Although Cologne was the focus of migrant-perpetrated sex attacks last year, there were also many cases that occurred in neighbouring Austria. New police reports show that the situation hasn’t changed from last year with multiple cases of sexual assault, violence, and attacks with fireworks committed across the country, reports Der Standard.

In the city of Salzburg, a 31-year-old woman from Germany is said to have been sexually assaulted by an 18-year-old migrant. The Afghan migrant, who was said to be heavily intoxicated at the time, repeatedly tried to kiss the woman on the lips during the midnight celebration and grabbed her genital area.

Friends of the woman were able to restrain the young migrant, preventing him from attacking the woman further, and called the police who arrived on the scene a short time afterwards. Police took the man to a medical clinic, due to his intoxication, and then to jail where he awaits possible prosecution.

In the region of Tyrol, 11 women have come forward to police claiming to have been attacked by a group of men at the main marketplace in Innsbruck. The women say the group of attackers were black-haired with short beards and had a “southern appearance” – a phrase used in Germany to describe men of North African origin.

Just as in Germany, France, Sweden, Denmark and the United Kingdom, Austria’s Muslim ‘guests’ are showing themselves to be the sort of people who should never have been allowed in to Austria in the first place. The level of problems that these Muslim invaders are causing for Austria is so great that the Austrian government urgently needs to remove these Muslims as quickly as possible from Austria. If Austria doesn’t ‘remove kebab’ as quickly as possible, or at the very least contain these savages, in some way then these savages will do great damage to the Austrian nation and its people.

The Austrians are finding out what many other civilised nations are discovering, which is that the more Islam you import into a free society the less free that society ultimately becomes. It’s certainly very plain to see that by importing Islam into Austria the government there are making things less safe and less free for Austrian citizens, especially the female ones.

If this disgraceful way that these savages behave at New Years Eve when towns and cities have a greatly increased police presence how much worse are they behaving when the police presence is less than one would find at a public event? I have no sympathy for these Muslim ‘refugees’ any more. The level and type of criminality that is linked to these savages makes them obviously unsuitable for resettlement in civilised nations. The Austrians should kick these fake ‘refugee’ savages out of their country as swiftly as possible before the Muslims they’ve foolishly imported graduate from groping women and punching people into acts of mass murder.


Original Brietbart story on the Islamic sex crimes carried out in Austria on New Years Eve