Happy Diwali to all this blog’s Hindu readers and to all who celebrate this festival


There seem to be a surprising number of readers for this blog who come from India, the home of most of the world’s Hindu believers. Most of them seem to be fans of the ‘Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S**thole’ feature and I can understand why, what with Pakistan being a threat to India’s security and all that.

As today, November 7th, is Diwali the festival of lights, a festival that is celebrated not just by Hindus but also by Sikhs, Jains and some Buddhists as well, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all those who celebrate this festival a very happy Diwali. Diwali is as I understand it a celebration of the victory of light over darkness and in my view that is something well worth celebrating. May all those who celebrate Diwali have a blessed and peaceful time with their families and friends.