An outrageous and dangerous waste of lottery money

Susie Green of Mermaids (picture via Twitter)


I despise with great vehemence the whole idea of ‘paediatric gender transition’. It is a horrific form of child abuse as it puts into the hands of children the ability to make decisions about gender expression that many individuals will probably end up regretting later in life. As a society we do not let children have sex, drive cars, own firearms or operate machinery in factories, because it is widely recognised that children do not have either the physical or mental capacity to do any of these things. Unfortunately there are groups and individuals such as Susie Green and her ‘Mermaids’ group who believe that it is the right thing to do to affirm children’s delusions that they are the opposite to their natal sex. This leads some children onto a path that leads to sterilisation, physical mutilation and more often than not a lifetime of sadness and in too many cases an early death.

I was therefore completely disgusted to hear that the Big Lottery Fund that distributes money earned from the National Lottery to ‘good causes’ has chosen to give half a million pounds to the child abusers of Mermaids. I call Mermaids child abusers because by encouraging children to transition they are harming and not helping them. This grant will without doubt have the effect of dragging more confused children onto the gender transition treadmill and cause many more tragedies as time goes by.

It appears from a report on Breitbart that draws heavily on a previous report published by The Times newspaper, that Mermaids has managed to convince the Big Lottery Fund to dish out this massive amount of money to them. This money will be according to Breitbart be used to expand the operations of the Mermaids group. This cash injection will in my opinion expose more children in more schools to the sort of science free and morality free transgender lunacy that Mermaids is peddling.

As a parent I’m am both disgusted and disturbed that so many schools allow these child abusers to operate in their schools and I suspect that there may be many other parents who think in a similar way as I do on this matter. When my wife and I were picking schools for our son one of the questions we specifically asked the head teachers we met was if lunatic groups like Mermaids were allowed on school premises or allowed to influence the sex and relationships curriculum. Two schools categorically denied that they would allow these loons to operate in the school and one school was less than open about whether Mermaids or groups like them would be given access to the children. Needless to say the school that seemed neutral to Mermaids is the one that we will fight to keep our son away from.

I’m very pleased to see that there has been some sort of political fight back against this disgraceful decision to throw lottery money at the Mermaids group. David Davis MP for example has called this decision ‘horrifying’ and there has apparently been a lot of correspondence directed at the management of the Big Lottery Fund criticising the decision to fund Mermaids in this way.

The decision to dump so much money on Mermaids, when there are many other causes that are less contentious and which would be much more likely to be supported by the general public is a disgusting and arrogant one by the Big Lottery Fund. It is also a decision that I believe should be immediately reversed as it brings great discredit and great dishonour onto the lottery grant making system. Neither the state nor non state agencies such as the national lottery should be funding groups that are promoting ‘treatments’ for the mental illness of gender dysphoria that may well in a decade or so’s time, be viewed with as much disgust and horror as we today view the idea of carrying out lobotomies to treat depression. I don’t believe that gender transition is the best treatment for adults who suffer from gender dysphoria and it certainly not something that should be pushed onto vulnerable children. Susie Green and her Mermaids group are disgusting and should in any sensible society be treated as pariahs and not handed so much largesse in the form of lottery grants to enable them to drag more and more children into the lunacy of transgenderism.