Another lying Taqiyya artist and another fake ‘hate crime’.


Time and again, Muslims make loud and keening whines about ‘hate crimes’ but often, not all the time I might add, but woefully often, these claims of ‘hate crime’ turnout to be as fake as a £10 ‘Rolex’ watch. Many of the ‘hijab pulling’, name calling and graffiti that some Muslims whine about either turnout to be totally non existent or were concocted by the complainant. This easy ability to fake complaints is another argument for the existence of ‘hate speech’ and ‘hate crime’ laws, on top of the usual reasons of the creation of a legal inequity where one group is treated better than another in law. They are also vulnerable to the issue of ‘perception’. One person may percieve a word or a gesture or an action as one thing and not hostile, but another person may see such an action etc as ‘hostile’. The same actions or words etc have taken place but the law gives weight to perception of the incident.

But it is the issue of fake ‘hate crime’ complaints that concern me today, as this sort of fakery is all too common in places like Europe and the USA.

According to a report in a Finnish media outlet (h/t ROP) and translated by Sputnik News (don’t worry I’ve gone back to the original report to check on Sputnik’s report as Sputnik is not wholly reliable as a source) a Somali born politicians and hire car driver has admitted making a fake hate crime report.

The Somali driver told media and others that he had to eject a ‘racist’ passenger from his car. The driver, Abdirahim “Husu” Hussein, had said that he was driving a passenger along a motorway when the passenger started racially abusing him. He claimed that he pulled over and dropped the passenger off at the side of the motorway.

A dramatic story you may well think. But it is a dramatic story that is complete and utter bullshit. When the taxi compmany investigated the alleged incident they found via GPS that Hussain was nowhere near he was claiming to be and that neither was there any company records of a passenger being ejected from Hussain’s taxi at the time.

Hussain tried to worm his way out of this exposure of his lies but eventually admitted that he had made the false claim. Hussain made the excuse that he was writing about what he would have wanted to do, which is a pretty weak excuse as if that was Hussain’s intent then he should have said this in the first place.

It’s pretty obvious to me and probably to others that Hussain was playing the taqqiyya card here. He wanted to make him and his community seem like victims and elicit help and advantage from the government of Finland and the majority population. By doing this he would have brought more power and protection to the Islamic community in Finland which means that Hussain, by lying to protect or advance Islam, is a solid gold, fully exposed taqiyya artist.

1 Comment on "Another lying Taqiyya artist and another fake ‘hate crime’."

  1. Sheikh Anvakh | November 13, 2019 at 2:13 pm |

    Demonstrably fake crimes should see the accuser prosecuted to the same extent with a similar sentence. That should concentrate a few minds.

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