Guest Post – ‘Woke’ folk can be deeply unpleasant


An excellent and highly informative Guest Post from Hobbehod, an author who has been featured on here before. In this article he speaks of Dr Ella Hill, a survivor of the Rotherham Islamic Rape Gangs and the appalling treatment she has been getting from various ‘woke’ left leaning academics and other similar types. Dr Hill has been getting this appalling treatment because she has been trying to raise awareness of the racial and religious nature of these rape gangs.

Many of these ‘woke’ types complain about certain groups, including women, being victimised by society but go completely off their trollies when confronted by a person who has been victimised by a group that they consider to be ‘protected’.

Here’s Hobbehod’s piece.

Woke Folk can be quite unpleasant

Consider the caring sentiments expressed in the following three screenshots.

They were directed at grooming gang victims and survivors by woke leftists outraged that two ladies should have the temerity to expose the religious and racial hate underpinning the horrific abuse they endured:

Rebellato is Professor of contemporary theatre at the Royal Holloway University. He has written extensively for radio and stage with a number of adaptions for the BBC. He writes for the Guardian theatre blog.

Dr Jessica Taylor, a self-styled radical radical feminist, is a speaker, author and research Psychologist. She has a Phd in Victim Blaming and is the founder of Victim Focus/Blog and Academy. Her raison d’etre is apparently to encourage all professionals to challenge and reduce victim blaming in their practice. She has recently published “Why Women Are Blamed For Everything” – which is rather ironic given her tweet above.

Dr Jacqui Dillon, to take her at her own valuation, is “a respected activist, writer and speaker, and has lectured and published worldwide on trauma, abuse, psychosis, dissociation and healing”. She is the national Chair of the Hearing Voices Network in England, her doctorate is an honorary award from the University of East London.

Now let us turn to the two victims/survivors at whom these hateful tweets were directed

The first is “Ella Hill” whose horrific experiences were reported in the Independent in 2018

“As a teenager, I was taken to various houses and flats above takeaways in the north of England, to be beaten, tortured and raped over 100 times. I was called a “white slag” and “white c***” as they beat me.

They made it clear that because I was a non-Muslim, and not a virgin, and because I didn’t dress “modestly”, that they believed I deserved to be “punished”. They said I had to “obey” or be beaten.”

Ms Hill describes grooming gang crime as racially and religiously aggravated rape, “a type of intersectional identity based violence, attacking your racial, religious and sexual identity”. She currently campaigns for new government legislation to ensure that CPS recording and judicial sentencing for grooming gang crimes recognises the racist and religious aspects of the horrific abuse that victims/survivors endure, which has indeed assumed epidemic proportions. She draws particular attention to the anti-white and anti-western hatred evident in these crimes as described in her Independent article. As an illustration of the latter Pakistani girls may also be in danger of gang rape if they fail to conform to Islamic community norms, and adopt Western dress and ways, in which case they are called “coconuts”, brown outside and white inside, becoming “legitimate targets” as so many white working class girls tragically became. Ms Hill urges government to address these pressing issues faced by communities throughout Britain.

The second survivor on the receiving end of the hateful tweet courtesy of Dr Jacqui Dillon is Kate Elysia whose terrible experiences were reported as follows

“Sexual abuse was a constant thing now. It didn’t even seem like abuse any more, it seemed normal life.

“The Pakistani men I came into contact with made me believe I was nothing more than a s**t, a white w***e. They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex.

“I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”

This poses the question of how it can be that a Professor at the Royal Holloway and two professionals apparently well versed in the sympathetic treatment of abuse victims could have tweeted such horrible, hateful dismissively insensitive messages at two survivors of what is undoubtedly the worst and most vicious campaign of sexual violence this country has ever known. What we see here is a Pavlovian knee-jerk emotional spasm of woke outrage! This must have deep roots and bears close examination.

For my money it is very apparent that toxic US identity politics has been mainlined into our own culture, which was molded by a very different set of historical experiences. The United States has a legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, toxic enough without the malign influence of Neo-Marxist inspired Critical Studies and its Critical Race Studies ideologues who have long stirred the pot. Peggy Macintosh in 1988 defined “white privilege” as an; “invisible package of unearned assets that I can count on cashing in each day, but about which I was ‘meant’ to remain oblivious.” Macintosh packed 50 such privileges in her “knapsack”.

To take one such; “I can be pretty sure that my neighbors in such a location will be neutral or pleasant to me.”

This would raise some pretty bitter grimaces in Rotherham, Telford and Rochdale et al.

Macintosh an extraordinarily privileged woman;

“ found a way to share this irksome burden with the illiterate children of Kentucky coal miners, the hopeless peasants of the Appalachians, poor single mothers struggling to make ends meet on welfare, and the vast majority of whites in the United States and throughout the world who never had the chance to attend Radcliffe or Harvard. She simply reclassified her manifest economic advantage as racial privilege and then dumped this newly discovered original sin onto every person who happens to share her skin color. Without, of course actually redistributing any of the wealth that, by her own account, she had done nothing to deserve.”

Intersectionality was developed by the feminist critical race theorist Kimberley Crenshaw who determined that social inequality, power and organisation were shaped by “multiple axes of oppression” based on race/gender/economic position. Some of these “locations” afford privilege(eg being white) others are oppressive(being poor), they do not operate independently but interact to create interlocking systems of oppression. However instead of being a useful analysis and argument to seek legal redress for injustice it was weaponised to advance identity politics; turning into a system of competitive victimhood where sometimes fluid identities battled over their sectional interests. Currently it seems that to be Muslim and brown earns a place at the top of the victimhood tree, with other groups and identities sliding down quite rapidly. Grooming gang victims(generally white) appear to come pretty much nowhere at all as we see from the nasty woke screenshot response at the beginning of this piece.

Fuel to the fire of identity politics was heaped on by grovelling self-loathing progressives. The author of “White Fragility” Robin DiAngelo who specialises in “Whiteness Studies”

“apologised to her audiences by acknowledging that by merely existing and standing on a stage she is “reinforcing whiteness and the centrality of the white view”; if only she could be “a little less white, which means a little less oppressive, oblivious, defensive, ignorant and arrogant.”

From Douglas Murray “The Madness of Crowds”

The results of this divisive politicking and fawning abasement have been entirely predictable

Fuck you and fuck the police – Evergreen College

The level of acceptable viperous hatred injected into the public sphere is extraordinary. Sarah Jeong appointed to the New York Times editorial board in 2018 attracted no sanction for these hateful messages she tweeted 4/5 years prior, indeed she garnered support and sympathy. Hate is fine, as long as you hate the right people, SJ’s tweets –

Above I pointed out that the historical experiences that have moulded our culture are significantly different from the United States, the trade in slaves was abolished in England in 1102, chattel slavery faded away shortly afterwards – later in 1772 the Mansfield Judgement confirmed that under Common Law there could be no slavery in England. The bitter racial politics which precipitated the US Civil War and Jim Crow subsequently were unknown here.

Nevertheless, this toxic identity politics has now become mainstream in Britain. Race-baiting Professor Kehinde Andrews tells us that “Whiteness is a psychosis – you can’t have a reasonable explanation”, gratuitously insulting the entire white population of the country as well as those “black people, Asian people, who also purport the psychosis of whiteness. It’s about the idea.”

Presumably this would include senior British Indian members of the government, Trevor Phillips and maybe Asian victims of grooming gangs deemed “coconuts” by their abusers.

Afua Hirsch, victimhood doyenne, on whom living in Britain has conferred many benefits gaining her considerable prominence in the process, thinks nothing of declaring one of its greatest heroes, Lord Nelson, a “white supremacist” implying that his statute in Trafalgar Square should topple – an insulting and frankly alarming signal to many British people

You can’t get more mainstream than the Metronews free sheet which claims a monthly delivery reach of 28 million and has clearly drunk the cup of identity politics to the dregs

“In its most simplistic definition, racism is prejudice or discrimination directed at someone of a different race – based on the belief that your own race is superior. Taking this definition at its word, then, would suggest that it is possible for a person of any race to experience racism if someone treats them badly for this reason – even white people. But this definition of racism leaves out one crucial element: The power structures that uphold and perpetuate racism.”

Here we come to the nub of the matter, the Metro mainlines the wicked notion that white Britons cannot be victims of racism. This is a falsehood which has led to tragic consequences for grooming gang victims in towns and cities practically the length and breadth of the land. It is factually incorrect because the Equality Act 2010(supported by Hate Crime legislation) states that any race can be the victims of racism. It is a view which imposes a collective guilt on the majority population because they are purportedly part of the “White” power structure which upholds and perpetuates “anti-BAME” racism. Aside from the historical illiteracy of this contention if one considers say child slavery during the Industrial Revolution, it mandates a two-tier justice system where crimes against one group of people are treated as much less serious than if they were committed against others. In effect this creates a new apartheid system where the majority of the population bears the Mark of Cain.

Nowhere have the evil effects of this pernicious “progressive” philosophy been felt more deeply than in the grooming gang scandal where the desperate pleas of victims and their families were brushed aside, partly from the malignancy of political correctness which disabled effective police and social services response, partly through appeasing “community cohesion” cowardice and partly thanks to Labour Party vote bank politicking. Consider the tragic case of “Cassie Pike” author of “Prey” who, coming from a rather dysfunctional family background in Halifax, was cunningly and ruthlessly targeted by groups of older males from the age of 11 onwards. She was routinely called a white bitch and white slut and then subjected to rape after gang rape after rape. She was subjected to the ultimate othering, a worthless little kaffir girl to be used then cast aside. How is this not a profoundly racist crime? What power in her “relationship” with these monsters was it that the 11 year old Cassie wielded? What structures was it that she was perpetuating and upholding? And yet “progressive” woke folk, such as the three whose charming tweets enrich the start of this piece, will not have it that Cassie was the victim of appalling racist sexual violence, the worst this country has ever seen. When survivors are brave enough to put their experiences in the public sphere they can “fuck off” for they talk “fucking bollocks”, they “trot out racist Islamophobic bullshit”. They indulge themselves in their own “progressive” brand of othering.

For anyone with an iota of sensitivity it is apparent that this hateful abuse by upholders of a warped two tier justice system must deeply wound survivors motivated by a deep desire to obtain equitable reform, and as far as can be done – bring the unprecedented horror of the grooming gang epidemic to a halt. Here be monsters and they don’t always come in an obvious guise.


Cassie Pike’s book Prey is a must read,cassie-pike-and-katy-weitz-9781789460841

Cassie was a comparative rarity in that she was able to obtain some measure of justice eventually, when I write of monsters I do so advisedly

I mentioned that Asian girls are in danger of gang rape if they are deemed to be “coconuts” by sinister elements in their communities. The very engaging young Pakistani heritage lady Sadia is illuminating on this point

1 Comment on "Guest Post – ‘Woke’ folk can be deeply unpleasant"

  1. We need to “Drain the swamp” of all these apologists for non-white racism.
    It’s surely the legacy of Common Purpose, filling all our educational institutions with these “Woke” screeching loudmouths, who’ll shout down any facts or opinions they don’t like, but never listen or debate calmly.

    And still it continues – the councils and police do little to protect vulnerable girls and the media ignore or suppress it all. I’m disgusted with my own country.

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