Black Lives Matter don’t appear to care about Black lives


I’ve been watching the various incarnations of the Black Lives Matter movement and how it operates in both the USA and the UK for a while now. This observation of the BLM movement, their tactics, their targets and their rhetoric, has led me to a worrying conclusion. That conclusion is that BLM do not care that much about Black lives per se, only those Black lives that can be leveraged into some form of leftist political action.

Whilst BLM scream at the tops of their voices about deaths of Black Americans at the hands of American police officers or hijack the Grenfell Tower tragedy, BLM are notably silent about the loss of other Black lives. BLM don’t seem to see or care about the situation in Chicago where Black lives are ended at the hands of other Black Americans at a ludicrously high rate. Neither do they care about the Black Britons who are the victims of stabbings and shootings, often carried out by other Black Britons, that have become a monotonous feature of life in Britain’s capital city of London.

BLM don’t care about the Black lives that are lost in stupid and pointless ways, such as the innocent London Black citizens who accidentally ‘trespass’ in the wrong postcode, an area controlled by one particular majority Black gang. Black Lives Matter don’t care about how the US education system, a system controlled and dominated by the political Left, has short changed America’s Black citizens and given them an education unworthy of the name.

Black Lives Matter don’t seem to give a toss about the damage that hard drugs has done to the Black community both in Britain and the USA. Neither do they seem to give a toss about the street culture, a culture mired in lack of aspiration, that has been foisted on Black communities, both in the USA and the UK, by cynical entertainment moguls,some of them who are Black themselves, whose children will rarely have to live with the negative outcomes of this culture that the promote.

I grew up with Black Britons who made Britain their home and who worked damned hard, often in very challenging circumstances and against genuine racialism, to build a better life for their children. These people sometimes went from being a stoker in the bowels of a merchant ship to seeing their children learn and prosper. The grandchildren of these hard working Black Britons now face significant danger from street violence that Black Lives Matter groups really don’t want to criticise, comment on or stop. It is these Black lives that Black Lives Matter really do not care about.

Black Live Matter are a sinister and cynical Leftist group and should be treated as such. They don’t give a monkey’s chuff about my Black friends nor about their children, nor the culture that these children grow up in.

What Black Lives Matter groups do is selectively ‘care’. They care for the dead thugs, like Michael Brown who was killed during a police incident in Ferguson, Missouri, when Brown attacked Officer Darren Wilson and tried to grab his firearm, but they care little or nothing for the innocent and law abiding Black citizens or subjects who suffer from poverty, poor education or from the endless cycle of gang violence that mars and scars many of the Black communities in the West.

There are a multitude of Black lives that have been lost in places as far apart as Chicago and London to violence and it is these lives that Black Lives Matter are notably indifferent about. It’s time that people of goodwill and honesty started to take Black Lives Matter less seriously than they seem to do at present. This is because they only care about the Black lives that are lost that they can exploit for political gain and ignore the loss of other Black lives that do not fit their political narrative. I grieve as any human being should do for the Black lives and indeed any lives, that have been taken unnecessarily and this is a damned sight more than Black Lives Matter groups seem to do.

2 Comments on "Black Lives Matter don’t appear to care about Black lives"

  1. Very well said. That’s why on Twitter, I call them #SelectiveBlackLivesMatter they don’t give a flying fourex for the Black Christians being slaughtered by Black Muslims in Nigeria, Mali etc. Not a squeak about the thousands of black slaves in Saudi & other Islamic Shangri-las. Let’s not forget the genuine racism shown by the Chinese towards black visitors.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 4, 2020 at 3:37 pm |

      Thank you for the compliment. BLM are indeed only selectively interested in the fate of black lives.

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