Let’s beat some censors. Share this link.


The Covid situation has brought out some really nasty censors from the world of Big Tech. This time it is censorship from YouTube who are targeting the guys from the Triggernometry channel for their interview with conservative commentator Peter Hitchens.

Mr Hitchens has the temerity to challenge the validity of the Lockdown policy and whether you agree with him or not, he should be allowed to voice his point of view. Like others, such as the blogger Longrider, I am disturbed by this sort of censorship and it’s now time to have a workaround in order to fight such censorship. That workaround is everyone who can sharing the link below and to share it as widely as possible.

The censorship by Big Tech of views that they do not like has become so common and so all pervasive these days that it is no wonder that alternatives to Twitter, Facebook and YouTube are growing. Free speech matters to the wider society not just political anoraks and all should be able to avail themselves of that inalienable right to speak freely their views.

Here’s the video link.  Watch it, share it and spite the censors.