The behaviour of Burnley FC and the upcoming #DumpTheJunk campaign


The response of Burnley Football Club to the flying of an aircraft pulled banner reading ‘White Lives Matter’ has been completely over the top. Burnley FC, which like many teams in both the English Premier League in which Burnley plays, is primarily supported by the white working class, has banned for life the man behind the banner, Jake Hepple. There is a massive double standard being operated by Burnley here. The club was quite happy to engage in the racial virtue signalling for a bunch of racist Marxists in the form of Black Lives Matter, but has come down hard on those who quite reasonably believe that White lives matter as well.

Jake Hepple and his family are really being put through the mill for what is plainly an innocuous statement and a response to the overt racialism of the Black Lives Matter movement. Mr Hepple has lost his job at a turbine factory over this and his girlfriend was fired from her job in a beauty salon because she allegedly refused to attend a ‘racial re-education’ class. This is disgraceful. People should not be fired from their jobs over a relatively innocuous opinion such as White Lives Matter, especially as nobody at all seems to be treated the same way for saying Black Lives Matter. As for the news that a person unrelated to the banner action, something that has been classified as a non-crime by police, was offered ‘re-education’ well all I can say is that this sounds like something we used to hear about and shudder over when it was coming from the old Soviet Union or East Germany. Normal British people used to look at the oppression and the ‘re-education’ programmes of the old Communist hell holes and thank their lucky stars that they didn’t live in such a place. Unfortunately now the techniques and policies of these old Communist hell holes are now firmly entrenched in the United Kingdom.

It appears that some football clubs, despite being built and supported by working class mostly white Britons, in the case of Burnley since 1882, are as Pat Condell has said over on Parler, now being actively racist towards those same white working class football supporters.

Mr Condell (@patcondell on Parler) said:

No law broken. Lifetime ban. #BurnleyFC is a racist club. The sooner it goes out of business the better.
I’ve awarded myself a lifetime ban from woke corporate #PremierLeague football and cancelled a #SkySports subscription I’ve had for decades. #FootballHasBeenPoisoned

Football has indeed been poisoned and it has been poisoned by the Woke Left. Now I would not deny that football has at various times and places had some racism problems, but in Britain at least it is almost gone. No longer would you hear from the stands monkey chants when a Black player gains possession of the ball, you might get that in places like Turkey or Russia but not here. British football fans recognise talent whether the possessor of the talent is Black or White or whatever. When you compare how Burnley FC have behaved over a banner that is in no way shape or form has any resemblance to the disgraceful monkey chants of old, whilst pandering to the racists of Black Lives Matter, then it is hard to disagree with Mr Condell’s assessment of Burnley as a racist club. All Lives Matter, Black Lives, White Lives, Brown Lives, Oriental Lives and the lives of those who are purple with yellowy-green spots on them.

The two faced attitude of Burnley FC, the blatant and one sided virtue signalling by those who own and manage the team along with pandering to the racialist Black Lives Matter movement has without a doubt pissed off many British football fans. From talking to a few of them they feel abandoned by the clubs that they’ve supported through thick and thin, often over three or more generations of supporters from the same family. They’ve bought the tickets, bought the programmes, the merchandise, the scarves and  the replica kits. These mostly white working class football fans have from their own pockets, given these clubs their existence. Yet when the chips are down these clubs turn their backs on the fans in order to virtue signal to a bunch of Black racists. Before you the reader goes into one about my categorisation of the BLM movement as Black racists, the truth is that Black racists exist. I believe it was Thomas Sowell who may have said that if we are to treat our Black citizens equally then we have to accept that, like members of any other race, some Black people will be racist.

The shitty way that Burnley and some other clubs but Burnley especially has treated their fans has caused anger. I wondered how and when this anger would be expressed and I hoped and prayed that such a response would be both non-violent and creative.

Well it seems there is going to be a response to Burnley FC’s actions. It’s not going to be violent, but it is creative and if it goes well it could be damned effective. There is apparently going to be a ‘Dump The Junk’ event at Burnley FC’s ground on Saturday.

According to a Parler user, ( @EsqHumbug on Parler) a call has gone out to all Burnley fans and indeed all football fans who are disgusted by the behaviour of the Burnley FC management to show their disgust by bringing all their football paraphernalia, scarves, replica strips, memorabilia etc and dumping it outside the ground. I can see the reasoning behind this, as Mr Condell said, British football has been poisoned and there is a case for British football fans just walking away from the game that relies on them for funds yet treats the fans like little more than scum. @EsqHumbug who is promoting the demonstration via the hashtag #DumpTheJunk has said that this doesn’t just apply to Burnley fans but to any British football fan from any team who is disgusted by what Burnley has done and indeed how the whole football establishment has pandered to the racist Black Lives Matter movement.

The #DumpTheJunk campaign has the potential to take off and be successful and really make the point that football fans are fed up with racist and virtue-signalling football clubs. Football clubs should primarily be concerned with putting out a team that can give a good performance on the pitch to both advance the fortunes of the club itself and to provide entertainment for the fans. Football clubs, indeed any sporting team for that matter, should not be involved in promoting contentious and divisive political campaigns such as those characterised by the Black Lives Matter movement.

1 Comment on "The behaviour of Burnley FC and the upcoming #DumpTheJunk campaign"

  1. When I was a Juvenile court ‘judge’, we all had to attend a Race Awareness – unpaid Saturday – training course

    After the black lead lecturer spent 15 minutes explaining why “Three Little Pigs” was racist I walked out

    I hope many Burnley FC fans do same and cancel subs

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