Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole. Volume 144 – More forced conversions to Islam


There’s a horrific report on the plight of Christian Pakistanis and the the oppression that they are under over at Front Page Magazine. The piece by Raymond Ibrahim tells of the ongoing issue of Christian girls being kidnapped, forcibly converted to Islam and then forced into marriage with Muslim men.

Mr Ibrahim said:

Christian girls are being abducted, sexually abused, and forced into Islam with increasing frequency all throughout Pakistan, and everyone—including local police, court officials, and Islamic clerics—seem bent on facilitating this human rights tragedy.

Most recently, according to a September 16 report,

A Christian 6 year old girl was beaten and raped after being forcibly taken to the home of a Muslim rapist in broad daylight.  In a sickening twist the local Muslim community are threatening the Christian parents with violence, the rape of their other daughters and financial ruin if they proceed with a legal case against paedophile Muhammad Waqas (18 yrs)…   Tabitha [the raped child] had been verbally abused, shouted at, slapped and beaten and forced to do a number of sex acts with Waqas.  She had been stripped of her clothes and had described her terror that she would be killed by Waqas…

Though various societal elements pressured her Christian family to drop the case against the Muslim rapist and accept a financial settlement, her parents refused, demanding justice.  As a result, two imams from local mosques warned Munir Masih, the girl’s father, that “we shall burn your house and take away your other daughters too, if you fail to comply.” He responded by gathering his family and fleeing to an undisclosed location in the middle of the night.

Although “evidence for the case was strong with eye witnesses” and included “a medical examiner who found evidence of rape and brutality and a positive match on DNA tracing with that of  Waqas”—and despite the family’s perseverance for justice—the court granted the rapist bail.

Read the rest of this terrible story via the link below:

These sort of kidnappings, forced conversions and marriages are sadly all too common in Pakistan where the Christian community are continually treated like cattle or dirt. The ideology of Islam has created in Pakistan a hell hole of monstrous proportions where no member of a religious minority is safe from the depredations of Pakistanis who follow some of the worst forms of Islam on earth.

3 Comments on "Now That’s Why Pakistan Is A S***hole. Volume 144 – More forced conversions to Islam"

  1. Yet NOT ONE WORD by the Red Bishops, the useless tosser “Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and even less from the Marxist Antichrist Pope. The former interfering in Brexit, the latter on gay marriage while both churches act more like an arm of the local socialist parties than as shepherds of their flock and representatives of God on Earth. These disgusting shills for Marx should hopefully be cast into the Pit that they threaten us with.
    Note too, not a word from the Muslim, Marxist highjacked UN, less do from the Muslim invader importing EU, silence from the USA & studied indifference by the Islam fellating camel corps of the more appropriately named Foreign Orifice.
    The world is a disgrace, sitting back as a Holocaust, a genocide of Christians goes on in Crapistan, Nigeria, Iran, Fakestine, China & others, while actively giving “aid” to the Islamic Nazis.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 22, 2020 at 6:01 am |

      Agree there. The politically compromised Bishops whine on about nothingburger stuff whilst ignoring the mass murder and oppression of Christians. It is something that they should be ashamed of. It should not be left to me, an individual Jew, to speak up for oppressed Christians, the Established Church should be doing that.

  2. Likewise as a Jew, I am almost a lone voice in Harrow & Brent, highlighting the slaughter, torture, forced conversions, rape of Christians in various Islamic shitholes such as Crapistan.

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