Surprised -NOT. Church Islamic headchopper was a recent arrival on a ‘refugee’ boat.


Is anyone with more than half a brain and who has not had their brains addled by the ‘refugees welcome’ nonsense surprised that the Muslim thug who decapitated a woman and killed others in a church in Nice, France, was a ‘refugee’ from Tunisia? I’m not. It was only a matter of time before a Muslim fighter got into Europe, helped no doubt by the various ‘refugees welcome’ organisations that exist, to enter.

According to a BBC report, the Islamic savage who carried out this attack, named in the report as Brahim Aouissaoui, was in possession of a Red Cross passport and had entered Europe by way of the Italian island of Lampedusa only a month before the attack. This is an incredibly short time to elapse from entry to Europe and this savage going ‘full Islam’ on innocent people. He came into Europe illegally, probably helped by the very same ‘refugees welcome’ organisations that the left and idiotic religious leaders urge their activists and congregants to support. He was fed and housed, again probably by the same useful idiots who believe that these invaders are genuine refugees and given a passport to travel where the hell he wanted to in Europe, by the Red Cross of all people. All of these people whether knowingly or unknowingly conspired together to bring this dangerous and unwanted savage to France where he,as many expect these ‘refugees’ to do, killed in the name of his twisted and sick ideology.

We need to remember the part played by the ‘refugees welcome’ activists in setting the stage for this savage’s murder spree. This is because it was the narcissistic pathological altruism of the ‘refugees welcome’ activists who brought this bastard to Europe and furnished him with the means to survive in Europe and to carry out his murderous plan. We should remember the part played by the ‘refugees welcome’ activists and their useful idiot fellow travellers in this murder, the next time we encounter someone agitating for ‘refugees’.

We should remember what these activists have done when they pipe up in our churches, synagogues, temples, clubs or political parties and whine about the ‘poor refugees’. We should remember and remind these pro-refugee types of the destruction they have caused with their campaigns. They need to be told what they’ve done. They need to be told, in no uncertain words, about the damage that they’ve wrought with their naive stupidity. They need to be told of course about the terror attacks that Muslim ‘refugees’ have caused but they also need to be told of the rapes, the sexual assaults, the crime and disorder that they’ve brought to our nations in Europe. The ‘refugees welcome’ types really need to be shown where they are wrong, whether they be big well funded pro-’refugee’ groups like Citizens UK or naive individuals who falsely equate the screaming violent savages entering Europe at the moment with the genuinely endangered Kindertransport children of the past.

The murders in France and much else regarding Islamic terrorism and extremism in Europe can be laid at the door of those who campaigned for the entry of these ‘refugees’. They need to be scolded for what they’ve brought into formerly peaceful nations or shunned for the dangerous idiots that they are. These activists have not helped those who deserve to be helped, instead they are accessories to murder.

4 Comments on "Surprised -NOT. Church Islamic headchopper was a recent arrival on a ‘refugee’ boat."

  1. The ‘refugees welcome’ activists should be prosecuted for aiding & abetting, joint enterprise, incitement, human trafficking, modern slavery, manslaughter, smuggling…

    A Wake Up Call On Islam

    Emmanuel Macron fighting “battle about whether France gets to be France” against extremism
    There is a “moslem supremacist, totalitarian ideology growing in France” and UK

    BBC: France Face Far Right Backlash After Mostly Peaceful Beheadings

    Tommy Robinson has warned us all for years. So why act like this problem has only just arisen
    And Left call UK people that don’t want them here “stupid heartless racists” – I’d say we have something to worry about if they continue floating across….


    Gary Lineker Migrant Leaves Mansion – Lefty White Saviour Backfires
    Poor Gary, it always backfires. The illegal immigrant has left already

    Was he in house? How much did he steal? Or did Liniker put him in garden shed?

    The thank you letter – joke of the month

  2. Director of Detention Action Bella Sankey vs JHB

    More lies per minute from Bella than even Corbyn could manage

    Why did JHB not mention: ‘they come for benefits – Free board & lodging, health, legal, cash, phone, internet etc’?

    Stop the deaths by stopping taxi service

    btw Kurdish-Iranian family’s first safe country would be Syria or Jordan

  3. Phil Copson | October 31, 2020 at 1:10 am |

    “…He was fed and housed, again probably by the same useful idiots who believe that these invaders are genuine refugees…”
    Distinction: “Who WANT to believe” is the point. If they genuinely wanted to help refugees, then they would assemble lists of the most deserving peoples and help them first – Nigerian and Pakistani Christians, for instance, Egyptian Copts, Yazidi, Armenians, white South African farmers etc, and set about helping them.

    They don’t – they much prefer to help aggressive Third World / ME / North African muslims with no intention of assimilating, out of mixed-motives ranging from the immature “pour epater le bourgouisie” / to the thrill of associating with violent people – (think Corbyn and the IRA / Hamas / Hezbollah / Castro etc) / the same vindictive desire to be revenged on a society that doesn’t give them the respect they want that allows bullies to set their dogs on terrified children / the schadenfreude of watching the results of their schemes and denying responsibility / and the cowardly calculation that a pre-emptive surrender will help them gain better treatment when the country falls.

  4. @FH
    Many recent France reports on “Peaceful Beheadings” here

    Criminals aka illegal immigrants arriving on a boat put into sea at 12 mile ‘border’

    French Fishing Boats Used By Illegal Immigrants – >8,000 Arrived 2020 : Gov Does Nothing
    Priti, when are you going to do something

    French fishermen, earning more money transporting migrants actually catching fish. It’s not even classed as smuggling anymore
    ISIS said they would use migrants as cover to get to England


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