Another useless and destructive lockdown from our clownworld government


Next week Britain goes into yet another pointless, useless and completely destructive lockdown, all to stop a virus that at least 99% of the population appear to survive. The death toll for covid is, unlike that of the 1918 influenza pandemic, is almost totally confined to the very elderly and those with serious co-morbidities. All this information and more about the true nature of covid and its lethality can be found on the Hector Drummond site which I have found to be far more reliable than anything that comes out of Imperial College these days.

As was the case earlier in the year, Britain is going be subjected to the insanity of closing down nearly all businesses and ‘non-essential’ shops. The gyms will be closed as will pubs and restaurants. More businesses, some which were already in trouble because of Boris Johnson’s Government’s monstrous incompetence so far, will probably close and will never reopen. We shall probably see again the useless public sector, in the form of local councils, shut down playgrounds and ice the legislative cake with unnecessary additional restrictions of their own.

One of the major reasons given for this lockdown is to protect the NHS. The question I ask about that is, why? Haven’t the disgusting and idle NHS had six months to prepare for winter. The NHS bleats every winter about not having enough resources to cope with the normal increase in usage that winter brings because of seasonal respiratory problems. You’d think, wouldn’t you, that with the NHS telling every patient who has needs other than covid, such as cancer, heart disease and other conditions to ‘piss off’, that there is enough capacity already? Never mind whilst we have been denied access to the health service that we have bloody paid for, at least we can rest assured that the NHS is spending our money sensibly. Sadly that’s not the case. Despite the NHS whining that it doesn’t have enough resources and have kicked out many of the pesky patients, it can still find money for worthless woke guff like celebrating pronoun day’ and employing ‘non binary staff leads’. I hope and pray that when Boris Johnson’s covid cock up is over there will be a re-appreciation of the NHS by the British public. The last half a year or more has seen many Britons who would previously been either ambivalent or supportive of the NHS get treated like utter shit by NHS staff who are failing to do the jobs that we pay them for. This might provide a future impetus on the part of the public to want to do away with what is obviously a failing and politicised healthcare system and replace it with something better?

I dare say that this latest national lockdown will be managed and policed with the usual equity by government both national and local and by various police forces – not. I suspect that what we will see again, just as we saw during the last national lockdownm is lockdown for the majority but not for the Government’s ‘chosen ones’. I suspect that we will still see BLM/Marxists, Green fascists and various shades of Islamic nutcase, being allowed to fill up the streets, cause havoc and not abide by any of the rules that the rest of us will be expected to follow. The majority will be imprisoned by idiotic rules and an idiotic lockdown that didn’t work last time and will not work again.

Outside of the misled and malevolent political class, the only people who seem to want this new lockdown are those who will not be affected by it or who will benefit in some way from it. Celebrities, with a few honourable exceptions, want this as they can afford it and can afford to virtue signal about it. The lazy and entitled public sector wants it as they are not only guaranteed wages, which those in the private sector are not, but get to be given more unjustifiable powers to use in order to shit on the heads of the average British subject. I was in London recently on business and got talking to number of people who are trying to make an honest living there and the situation is really bad. Boris Johnson’s complete fuck up has cost jobs in everything from the motor trade right through to graphic designers whose major clients were the entertainment industry. The only people who seem to be sitting pretty in that area at the moment are non-manual council workers and other public sector drones. Those who are least affected either financially or socially by lockdowns are the ones agitating for them. It’s the featherbedded public sector, in which category I include the teaching ‘profession’ and teaching unions that are crying for the country to be shut down, not normal people with normal private sector jobs.

The government goes into this new lockdown with a lot less public goodwill than it had the first time around. Back then we could genuinely and hand on heart say that we had an unknown opponent and maybe there was some justification for limited harsh action. Now there is not such a justification. We now know much more about covid and that it is considerably less lethal in the general population than it was at first assumed. The government is now making decisions not based on the number of deaths and ICU beds taken up, but by ‘cases’, which does not mean what it means to you and I, which is people actively suffering from an observable medical condition, but merely on tests. These tests may or may not be all that accurate and the data from them is likely to be heavily contaminated with false positives and fragments of viral material that are to all intents and purposes inactive. Such tests are not solid ground on which to shut down Britain’s economy or trash its culture or cancel events of national significance such as Rememberance Day, something that not even Hitler’s bombing of London could stop during WWII.

As I said, there is much more scepticism on the part of the public than there was in March of this year. People are less inclined now to believe what the government is saying and although there are quite a few morons in masks about, the full realisation of the utter screw up that the government is making is starting to dawn on people. There is, as many predicted, a lockdown fatigue and with this fatigue is coming anger. A good example of the fatigue that is occurring comes from an article by Guy de la Bédoyère on Lockdown Sceptics. The author was travelling back from Greece on a plane observing a group of pissed Britons who were ignoring mask rules and who were not being challenged by fatigued cabin crew. The pissed Brits kids were crawling all over the seats and the group was being very loud and obnoxious.

Guy de la Bédoyère said:

Fuelled by booze, the women were becoming aggressive. Eventually a dark warning was given that the miscreants would be apprehended by the ‘authorities’ at Stansted. Needless to say this had all the impact of being threatened with the comfy cushion and a cup of tea. They took not the slightest notice. The masks remained only decorative embellishments to any part of their bodies apart from the relevant orifices. The cabin crew continued to do nothing and needless to say there wasn’t the slightest sign of the Covidstasi at Stansted either. Nothing could have exemplified better the futile impact of rules and regulations on people who won’t play ball and the utter meaninglessness of this Government’s authority when challenged.

Mr de la Bédoyère is absolutely correct about how rules and regulations only work when people play ball with them. The only reason why the government’s covid rules actually work is because people obey them. The cabin staff were obviously suffering from some form of lockdown fatigue and couldn’t even be arsed to deal with the sort of inflight drunk and disorderly behaviour that normally results in immediate arrest on arrival at a British airport. The drunks didn’t care and there was no real action taken against them. The author went on to describe how none of the panoply of covid related oppressive bollocks like QR codes or passenger location documents was operative at the airport and the passengers were just waved through. From reading this persons article it seems that not even those working in airports want to be bothered with the covid health theatre of QR codes and similar bollocks.

I suspect that a lot of people are fatigued with this constant lockdown bullshit and many will have lost enough to start to believe that they have nothing left to lose. There’s still a lot of compliance with the mask shit but underneath people are starting to really seethe about what is going on. What will happen when people who in normal times were probably six months away from losing their homes due to mortgage default find that their job has gone forever and that they are only a month away from being homeless? Such a scenario will create a lot of angry people.

I believe that it was a recognition that there is growing anger and a lockdown fatigue that may have been behind West Midland’s Police climbing down over threats to bust into and break up Christmas gatherings of more then six people. Various police forces must be acutely aware that they are losing much of the respect that the public once had for them and that a scenario that ended with video being shared of police officers kicking doors in to harass an innocent family would make their day to day jobs much more difficult. However much of the damage to the police’s public image, has already been done by police forces themselves. It is inequitable policing of various groups and overly aggressive policing of alleged ‘lockdown infringers’ that has caused the view of many of us to change from one of believing we are policed by consent to a view that says that we are being policed by capricious oppressors. With that sort of attitude change, the police kicking a family’s door in in full full view of the world at Christmas would give the government a whole lot more to worry about than a virus that is far less deadly than at first supposed.

Britons have been woefully let down by the Conservative party that we voted in on a landslide in December 2019. We have been conned big time by them. We voted for freedom but got a group of pound shop Stalins. They’ve done nothing to bring about the freedoms that many of us voted for and have presided over not just the lockdown disaster and all its catastrophic economic effects

but also a failure to secure Britain’s borders, failed to grasp or act upon the publics increasing desire for more freedom of speech, a failure to counter the Left in its many forms and a failure to stand up to the fascistic and Malthusian green movement. I’ve lived through some terrible governments, such as Callaghan and Blair for example and governments that have implemented brutal policies that had long term unforeseen consequences in local areas, as was the case of the Thatcher government in the North. However I’ve not had the misfortune to live under such an incompetent and remote government that is as divorced from the views of the people as this one. No junior reporter in some small local newspaper would rely on a single source for a story, claims always need to be checked, yet the government relied and continues to rely on a single source of forecasting, that of Imperial College. It is utter madness and the Tory party need to be electorally punished for this disaster. The Parliamentary Tory party has been no better than the Cabinet. With a few exceptions they have been either supine order followers or, like Steve Baker MP, easily allegedly bribed away from opposing the government with elevation to the Privy Council. Tory MP’s who should be representing the interests of their constituents are either being silent or worse, going along with the lockdown and covid related national disaster, too fearful of the whips office to be of any use.

The Labour Party, the official opposition are also worse than useless in this situation. They are going along with the government either by actively voting with the government or by abstaining in the Commons and approve of the spendthrift waste that is going on. I would not be at all surprised if the Labour Party is waiting for the Johnson government to crash and burn and when there are riots in the streets before they start to actively criticise the government over not just how much cash is going to be thrown at local authorities, but also about the Government’s overall covid policy itself. This is because the Labour Party want to recover the seats that they lost at the last election and although Labour doesn’t offer much more than more state, more identity politics and more migration, which turned voters off of Labour last time, they must suspect that they may end up looking better by default, against an incompetent Tory government. Margaret Thatcher won in 1979 in large part because the outgoing Labour government had created an economic disaster for Britain, maybe Sir Keir Starmer is hoping to capitalise on similar economic woes later? In any event it is cynical politics. The opposition should be standing up for those who are suffering under appallingly bad and inappropriate Government policies, but they are not, they are merely angling for electoral position and aiming to replace one group of shitty Establishment politicians, the Tories, with their own shitty Establishment politicians.

To conclude. All I’m seeing out there at the moment about this new lockdown is anger and frustration. There’s none of the ‘we are all in this together’ crap from those around me that we had and I heard earlier in the year. People are now a lot more fearful, not of the virus bullshit that the media is still chucking out, but of the damage that has been done to their and their children’s futures by the appallingly bad policy of lockdowns. The government is now much more distrusted now than they were then and now there have been created, by government incompetence and malice many more people who are thinking I’ve lost my job, my home and my relationships to the Government’s covid policy and I now have nothing to lose by taking to the streets. This is not a situation that we should be cheering.

When government policy under the Thatcher government decimated the traditional economy of the North and the Midlands, the problems were localised and the Thatcher government was able to contain the protests and strikes that came during her first and second terms. Now the economic disaster is not just in discrete areas but right across the country. The spark of outright and open dissent may not be video some violent police officer breaking up a Christmas party but something else, maybe some Covid Karen throwing their weight around or something similar and it may come quicker than some might like to think. Of course I don’t want to see such a scenario, what I want to see is the government admit they screwed up, open up the country again whilst shielding those who are genuinely vulnerable to any winter respiratory infection not just covid. What I do know is that Boris Johnson’s decisions in recent months have made already bad situations worse and I can’t see this pattern changing anytime soon. Maybe, as some such as David Vance say, the only way this nightmare of government incompetence will end is if we the people end it. I have increasingly less confidence that the Government can rediscover the backbone needed to U-turn on their policies in order to repair the damage that their own policies have done. What I do know is that I will never be voting Tory again, I can no longer trust them and will be voting for one of the new alt parties both at the next local elections and in next general. The Tories used to have a reputation of being heartless but economically effective, now they are heartless, arrogant and economically incompetent. Why on earth would anyone with more than half a brain vote for such a party?

1 Comment on "Another useless and destructive lockdown from our clownworld government"

  1. Destructive, not necessary and yet more believing Imperial & SAGE models while ignoring real world evidence (same as Global Warming scam)

    MoS scathing comment nailed it and on ‘Boris following/obeying EU herd’

    On plod:
    Police Back Down (Already) Over Christmas Day Raids

    Hmm, did cops say FO, we’re not working on Christmas Day, it’s our once a year family day?

    Do Gov’t & Plod have any idea what on earth they’re doing?


    Message is don’t permit them to enter, probly best to shout through letter box/window

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