America’s new President


So America has a new President in the form of Joe Biden. This was for me a most unexpected result and there have been a number of questions raised about the manner in which he was elected and the postal votes that many alleged were a key factor in his election. Although Mr Biden has been declared President after reaching 279 electoral votes, his election will not I believe bring the sort of unity that is now required after a bruising election campaign mired in allegations of electoral fraud.

If Joe Biden had been elected on a fair and open vote, a vote able to be scrutinised for fairness then I and many others would have accepted that this was the result of the decision of the American people. However the use of postal votes, something that has been a major factor in electoral fraud in the United Kingdom, to elect a President does leave a stench of wrongdoing in the air about this election.

President Biden says that he wants to bring unity to the USA but I’m not sure that he will be able to do this. Even his own party is divided between a dwindling number of moderates and the crazies like Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Occasio-Cortez. Joe Biden was a compromise paper candidate, a face to put before the public that wasn’t overly associated with the crazies, someone who didn’t look that bad in comparison with others in the Democrat Primary Race.

I wonder what sort of damage that Joe Biden will do to the USA over the next four years and whether those who voted Democrat will end up after that period of time with some sort of buyers remorse? We shall see whether or not Biden dumps the far Left that helped him into power and rules as a moderate or whether or not he will undo all the good things that President Trump did such as getting the USA out of the Paris Climate Accords or bringing peace to the Middle East.

It’s not likely that Biden will get things all his own way. The Supreme Court is now more politically balanced and balanced in viewpoint than it has been for years and he will face challenge there. He still has the hurdle of getting his policies through the Senate, if it ends up being held by the Republicans. This is a situation where the American innovation of the separation of powers may benefit America by putting a brake on the far Left crazies in the Democrat party. The mid term elections in 2022 will be a test for Biden and if he screws up the quality of life for Americans, as his administration is likely to do, then he’s likely to face an even greater challenge from a far more hostile legislature than he is dealing with at present. I think that Biden will be a bad President but hopefully not as bad as James Buchanan, who set the stage for the US civil war and referred to anti-slavery legislation as ‘unconstitutional and obnoxious’.

As a Briton the election of a President backed by the far Left is a matter of concern. It makes me concerned in particular about Brexit as President Trump was a backer of Britain’s independence whereas Biden is likely to be hostile. I suspect that Biden’s elevation to the presidency will be seized upon by the Remaniacs and be used to try to hurt or even reverse Brexit. This is something that Brexiteers need to be aware of and to fight.

I suspect the next four years will be interesting ones in American politics. There are doubts as to how long Biden will actually serve due to health issues in which case we may end up with the far more radical Kamala Harris as President by default.

There are ongoing legal cases being brought by Republicans in various states regarding the probity of the vote and although these cases may not be won by President Trump’s supporters, they will be extremely disruptive and may end up bringing into the public’s view problems with the voting system about which Americans may express an opinion when it comes to the mid term elections.

I’m not sure that Biden could get away with major constitutional changes, not least because of the current make up of the American political landscape, but also because the system to get constitutional amendments is rightfully cumbersome, however he could do an awful lot of damage to the American economy and to American society despite that. This is I believe a time for American conservatives to rebuild and fight back not to cower in corners. There is much that is bad that will come out of the Biden presidency, not just for Americans but for the Western world as a whole, it may be the job of American conservatives to do whatever they can via the political system to temper that badness and prevent President Biden from doing too much damage.

5 Comments on "America’s new President"

  1. Phil Copson | November 8, 2020 at 9:57 am |

    There is no way on God’s green earth that Joe Biden won the US election: I had no time for the childish “Not My President” movement directed at Trump, but all Americans should support a “Not Our President” movement.

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 8, 2020 at 10:19 am |

      It’s not the first time in recent decades that an election has been disputed. Remember the 2000 election? I suspect, as does more widely read commentators than myself, such as Styxhexenhammer and Matt Christiansen that Biden will be starting his presidency as a lame duck president due to opposition in Senate,House and SCOTUS. IIRC the incoming president not also hoding the Senate has not happened for decades. Something stinks about this election as it seems odd that the Dems could not take state legislature races nor other races but managed to get or be able to claim the presidency? Normally the incoming president has other legislative wins under their belt at the same time but not it seems Biden.

  2. My own view is that it would have been astounding if Biden had *not* won / does not win – the legal challenges have yet to play out.
    Trump has been consistently vilified in the MSM for four years, as have his supporters – the “deplorables” as Clinton called them. Trump supporters are “racists”, “white supremacists” and all the four-letter words you know.
    On social media shadow-banning etc. and outright biased censorship has been used to skew coverage in lots of ways including in the Democrats’ favour.

    As the pre-election opinion polling showed this produced the “shy Trump voter effect” (Brenden O’Neill in Spiked has a good article on this). If many people were too frightened to tell pollsters their voting intentions, then it can safely be assumed that others were too frightened to actually vote for Trump – or else were persuaded by the media portrayals of Trump that they would be “bad” to vote for Trump. This would be particularly true amongst the young(er) voters who are more impressionable.

    Then there is COVID. No free nation can possibly handle it “well”, because (as Biden may find out) there are no good options, merely bad and worse ones, and no way to decide which is which.

    Hence the chances were stacked against Trump from the start, who

    Thus, IMO, if the Democrats do not win / had not won this one then they would be unlikely to win again probably ever.

  3. The vote fraud was rampant and not even hidden, no need to hide when authorities ignore and MSM won’t report

    UK: BBC, ITV, C4, C5, Sky all pro Biden
    Only opposition is

    USA: all bar Fox pro Biden and Fox equivocal
    Tiny speaks –

    Aus: better – Sky News Aus

    Canada: only tiny Rebel News

    Can you hear the people sing? – No, populism & singing banned

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 10, 2020 at 6:50 am |

      Yes the msm is deeply in the tank for Biden. Completely agree with you on Sky Australia it’s streets ahead of Sky UK which is not almost indistinguishable from the BBC.

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