They can’t catch gang rapists but they can break up parties – The disgraceful West Midlands Police.


Between 2014 and 2016, this blog published a number of stories critical of West Midlands Police. This criticism was aimed at them because of their apparent inaction to deal with a rapidly growing problem of sex crime, especially Islamic sex crime. Despite calls for the police to do more which have come from the citizenry, by way of various social services and local authority reports and from press reports, there has been very little done to tackle this problem. The West Midlands Police area has seen a significant rise in sex crime and child sexual exploitation and a lot of this appears to be of a gang related variety and involving Muslim men. This problem is not historical but ongoing and neither the previous Chief Constable Chris Sims nor the current Chief Constable Dave Thompson, seem to be doing enough about these issues.

Inquires have been opened into rape gangs by West Midlands Police, but which the police have quietly dropped with no word about this to the public, Areas such has Coventry had as of 2016, 200 children and young people vulnerable to on street grooming and I have little faith that things have changed for the better since then.

The linked articles below show a pattern of behaviour from West Midlands Police which suggests that they would do anything rather than be honest about the problems their area faces and deal with it in order to bring justice to the victims of these rape gangs and to protect the vulnerable. Dave Thompson for example feels that we should be ‘relaxed’ about police officers wearing Burkhas but never seems as vocal when it comes to the issue of sex crime when it is committed by organised groups of Muslim men. It’s almost as if West Midlands Police has an inbuilt culture of incompetence when it comes to investigating these crimes or it could be that they the are scared of being called ‘racist’ or of Muslim street violence should they investigate these alleged offences with the rigour that they deserve. West Midlands Police it needs to be said is just not very good at investigating certain crimes.

Coventry, in the West Midlands Police area sees an increase in child sexual exploitation and a rise in sex crime by Muslims, which the force doesn’t appear to be properly tackling.

West Midlands Police and their patchy to non-existent record in tackling rape gangs, especially those gangs that are primarily made up of Pakistanis.

West Midlands Police collude with alleged Muslim sex offenders to hide their identities after the Muslim men were given court orders not to contact a particular 17 year old girl.

75% of grooming offenders in West Midlands Police area are ‘Asian’

However, the force that is particularly useless when it comes to tackling rape gangs and recognising that there are types of sex crimes that are disproportionately carried out by Muslim men, seems to be very good at finding and deploying the resources to kick down the doors of the innocent who are doing no more than having a New Years Eve party.

West Midlands Police, if the stories in the media are to be believed, have put massive levels of resources and effort into breaking up parties in accordance with Britain’s increasingly tyrannical coronavirus regulations. This force seems to have expended far more effort in closing down New Years Eve parties than it ever did on real crime, such as child sexual exploitation and the ongoing Islamic Rape Gang crimes.

Officers, including some senior ones no doubt, who would probably have a fit of the vapours about targeting certain crimes committed primarily by certain ‘protected’ groups, have been gleefully putting down new years celebrations. A force that has failed dismally to tackle monstrous crimes of child abuse and the abuse of young women over the course of many years, is also the force that can find ample time and resources to stamp on the faces of those who quite rightly want to celebrate the end of a horrible year.

West Midlands sent Operational Support Officers, normally tasked with dealing with major public order incidents, aka the riot team, not to break up riots, but to quash any parties that might have been going on. This force, like sadly so many others, seems more concerned with trying Canute-like to prevent the spread of a virus that 99.5% of those afflicted with it, recover from than it does with the sorts of crimes that really do inflict damage on both individuals and society. Where was this level of resources when the reports came out about rape gangs operating in this force’s area at least six or seven years ago? I tell you were they were, they were nowhere to be seen.

Some say that West Midlands Police has always been a bad and rotten force and they cite their botched and bent investigation into the Birmingham Pub Bombings as evidence. If these commenters are correct then there has been a long term sickness of dishonesty in West Midlands Police and this problem has been compounded by the sort of selective and capricious policing that we’ve seen in the West Midlands force area over recent years.

Sadly the new years eve incidents in the West Midlands area are ample indication, or rather should be, for the people who have the misfortune to be policed by this force, that this is a force that will not protect them when the chips are down. This is a force that will fail to protect the vulnerable whilst throwing millions of pounds worth of resources into policing parties, or ‘hate speech’ or pandering to minorities. This is a force unfit for purpose and unworthy of respect. The people of the West Midlands area deserve far better policing than they are getting and this is something that they should remember when it comes to the time to vote for their local police and crime commissioner. They need to ask themselves: Do they want more of the same, or do they want something better?

4 Comments on "They can’t catch gang rapists but they can break up parties – The disgraceful West Midlands Police."

  1. West Midlands, Nottinghamshire, Yorkshire, the Metropolitan police ALL as rotten as a pear. Then of course we have Sturgeons Gestapo, ScotPlod. Having experienced first hand the utter rottenness of the Met in 2019, the lies, the dissembling, trying to fit me up for a provably non-existant “hate crime”. I no longer trust the b4st4rds and view them as the enemy.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 1, 2021 at 1:41 pm |

      Across the nation various police forces are losing the respect of the public, a respect that took police decades if not at least a century to build. The reason they are losing that respect, respect that will be difficult to regain, is by the police’s own actions. The failure to tackle real crime, the unwarranted and wasteful concentration on ‘hate speech’ bullshit and of course their increasingly boorish and tyrannical behaviour. This is not the sort of policing that we either want nor deserve.

      Have you written elsewhere about your run in with Khan’s Kunstables in 2019? If not I may be interested in featuring your story here.

  2. Sturgeons Gestapo, ScotPlod removing “irresponsible huge crowd of 200 young Hogmanay revellers crammed onto” from Castle Esplanade still front page on some Scot newspapers on 2 Jan

    That would be same Castle Esplanade ~9,000 watch Military Tattoo each night and 20 tourist coaches can park up in a corner.

    Nothing to do with Covid, all to do with absolute control and ban of pleasure

    Talking of Edinburgh: Hillend Ski Centre closed due to Covid – outside, ski-ing alone not allowed, whut?

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 2, 2021 at 11:16 pm |

      Covid has been the gift that keeps on giving to various types of puritans and control freaks.

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