Happy Brexmas. Now the real political and cultural work begins.


So it’s here, at last, Britain is finally out of the European Union. The deal that this government made to get us out is far from perfect, it is deficient when it comes to fishing rights and ties us still to the EU by having Britain align with the EU’s ‘climate’ policies, which are a guarantee of impoverishment and on matters pertaining to state aid and state investments.  But these are matters that should be looked at by a future government and changed if necessary. At least we are at last, out.

The main point is that to all intents and purposes Britain has left the EU. The peoples victory in June 2016 has at last been realised. However it has been realised in the face of stiff opposition from those EU-philes of the Remain camp who tried to stop Brexit at every turn and at every opportunity.

The Brexit process caused a political division between the Establishment and the people that I don’t believe has been present since the period of before the Reform Acts of the 19th century. I do not believe that this division will be easily healed. By their increasingly vocal support of Remain the Establishment, from the MP’s through the Civil Service to once admired writers, this Establishment has to a large extent revealed not just itself but also it’s disdain for the ordinary Briton and the concerns of the same. This division is going to be with us for a long while yet.

There is still a lot of work to do with regards Brexit. We need to rebuild and enhance our economy not just because of the new trading arrangements that now apply to Britain’s relationship with both the EU and the world but also because of the monstrous screw up Boris Johnson’s government has made of the covid issue. We voted in our droves for Johnson in order to give us the Brexit we voted for, he’s done that (mostly) but now it is time to consider how to remove politically a man who did one correct thing, Brexit, but who has been too weak in the face of the siren singers of lockdown extremists to do the correct thing and restore our liberties. He’s also a man too weak to not be influenced by his girlfriend and more than a little weak when faced with the violent iconoclasts of the Left.

Boris Johnson achieved what he was voted in to do. Now he must go and take the rest of his cabinet, including the slippery fish Michael Gove, off into obscurity. We might be out of the EU but further political battles against the same political and cultural forces that are behind both the EU and the Remain extremists, still need to be fought.

4 Comments on "Happy Brexmas. Now the real political and cultural work begins."

  1. I think Boris has done very well all things considering.

    What I would like to have is for the Remainers to set out a specific list over their argument to remain in the EU. I have heard from both sides by talking to people but I found the Leavers stated they wanted their country back and the Remainers accusing the Leavers of being racist.

    Personally I think this is the opportunity to use up and coming talent for the benefit of Great Britain.
    There should be more training and skills available to young people to make this country the powerhouse it deserves. I hope that is what is focused on in the next few years.

    I now think Boris has also done as best he can regarding coronavirus. These lockdowns are to save lives. After all, all lives matter.
    It is extremely frustrating though when you are under ‘house arrest ‘ as I currently am. Another person here tested positive this morning and I am just praying public health doesn’t make us all have to isolate from the date the last person tests positive. The virus is still going around in this house and we could be locked up for weeks. It’s hard for those of us that work. Never mind the fact that currently there is no one to do shopping for us and hasn’t been for almost a week.

    I don’t think Boris is weak by listening to his girlfriend. If she has common sense and is advising for the good of the country and not doing it for self gain, I see no harm.

    I do wonder how long Boris will stay in Number 10 though as he has a little one that probably needs his time and I do think he will face some rebellions in the future so we shall have to wait and see what happens.

    For rebuilding our economy I think there are a few people that spring to mind that are savvy enough to make good business deals for the country and I know if they put their devious little minds to work they will be successful.

    We all have to think positively. Good times will come.

  2. As I see it, we are now out of the EU and therefore sovereign, we can repudiate the EU climate crap at any time, that’s what sovereignty means. Likewise with state aid and if the EU try it on, load on tariffs on EU cars for a start, we’re one of their biggest markets.
    Job one should be to build those free ports and encourage Hong Kong businesses to relocate. Ditch the ruinous droite-de-suite taxes that killed our world leading auction markets and reopen all trade ties with our commonwealth the latter mitigating the malign intents of the incoming toxic Biden regime.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 1, 2021 at 1:45 pm |

      Yes we are indeed out. Now we need a government that will abrogate the UK from the climate crap and properly rebuild the economy. Agree with you on the free ports and on encouraging HK businesses to register in London rather than HK or other nations. A return to trading with the Commonwealth would also be a good thing as would removing the multitude of unnecessary taxation and junking the Stalinist NHS in favour of a mixed provider insurance based system similar to that of Germany.

  3. See? Some good ideas already.

    If anything, Great Britain is a winning country. Nothing will stop us from keeping the Great in our country.

    Onwards and upwards. Always.

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