It’s all kicking off in Cuba

Phew!  The situation in Cuba seems to be heating up with the ongoing protests against the Communist regime that has run Cuba since 1959.

I’ve seen some video of the big well attended protests but it seems that the operatives of the Cuban Communists are facing smaller scale but still heavy protest.

My Spanish is not that good (maybe someone with better Spanish than I’ve got could translate this Twitter thread) but judging by the video embedded below that claims to be of a Cuban protest, it seems that the people are coming out onto the streets to attack Cuban police operatives.


It’s one thing for large well attended protests to face down the police in an oppressive regime like that of Cuba, but it is quite another thing for Communist Party operatives like the Cuban police to be attacked in this manner on what looks like a random street.  The fact that ordinary people are behaving in this manner to police officers may be giving us some indication that the Cuban Communist regime is starting to lose control.  I don’t want Cuba to implode into anarchy but from what I’m seeing it definitely looks as if the Communists and their operatives are starting to lose control of the situation in Cuba.




2 Comments on "It’s all kicking off in Cuba"

  1. I guess it is now the turn of the Cuban people to seize freedom. Tactically I think America’s embargo of Cuba is a mistake because it gave Cuba”s dictators an excuse for explaining the utter economic failure of the place. It has been largely propped up by the tourism industry where thousands of European leftists visit in some kind of warped solidarity with that despotic regime. On a side note the very fact that many Labour members including their last leader and his closest cohorts think that Cuba and Venezuela are well run countries shows how unfit for government in the foreseeable future Labour is. A sgnnifigent portion of the Labour Party have an anti Western cold war mindset.

    • Fahrenheit211 | July 26, 2021 at 8:04 am |

      The collapsing Communist government of Cuba being so praised by the Labour Party gives the right another stick to beat Labour with. Agree to an extent about the embargo being used as a way of claiming victimhood by the Communists but it hasn’t stopped Cuba trading elsewhere. Yeah I’ve met British Cuba Solidarity Campaign types and they are utterly deluded about what goes on in Cuba.

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