As fecund as an Amoeba and as trustworthy as a sewer rat.


So Boris Johnson and his wife Carrie have had another baby, a little girl this time as a companion for their older child Wilfrid. Congratulations to them on this happy event which will no doubt bring a slightly more wondrous turbulence to Number Ten than the sort of turbulence that the Prime Minister’s residence has been subjected to recently.

Whilst congratulating Mr Johnson on the birth of his latest, I believe that it is his seventh child, I can’t help but wonder whether Mr Johnson’s generative organs are the only part of this man that works correctly, behaves in an honest manner and in the way that we should expect them to behave. Everything else about this man seems to be lacking. He’s brought in Covid restrictions again for what many Guido Fawkes readers believe are for political rather than scientific reasons, he’s landed Britain with unaffordable and destructive ‘net zero’ energy policies that threaten to impoverish both the nation and the average British subject and he heads up a government that is beginning to look a lot like John Major’s when it comes to the matter of sleaze.

Mr Johnson seems to have the skills of an amoeba when it comes to the ability to reproduce effectively but the morals and character of a sewer rat when it comes to other issues. I have little doubt that should the forthcoming Shropshire North by-election not go the Tories way then the pressure will be on Mr Johnson from within his own party. Boris Johnson is starting to look like an electoral liability for the Tories and nervous MP’s may well start to wonder whether their seats might be safer with another Tory MP in the governmental drivers seat? The problem is what could replace Boris Johnson? There are far worse potential candidates in the Tory party, especially from the rump Remainer side and I’ve no wish to be ruled by someone like Michael Gove who is to be quite frank a slippery as an eel smothered in Vaseline. Johnson is without doubt a bad leader but there are worse possibilities in the Tory party than him, which is something that should make every Briton worried.

2 Comments on "As fecund as an Amoeba and as trustworthy as a sewer rat."

  1. I read somewhere its his 9th child, odd behaviour for a man so dedicated to saving the planet. Watching the present situation in Westminster is like watching a horrible slow motion train crash, we all know the the end will be a terrible mess but it’s taking such a long time to get to it.

    • Fahrenheit211 | December 12, 2021 at 7:33 am |

      It is indeed a terrible mess. Whilst I disagree with much of what Johnson is about I worry that he might be replaced by either a Remainer or someone like Gove who is quite frankly a slippery one. Maybe Johnson is one of those politicians who makes true the old saying that a politician who cheats on his wife will end up cheating on his country.

      The official or as near as dammit official number of kids that Boris has is seven although there are rumours of more.

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