Exclusive! Groomers? Misguided? Dangerous? What do you think about what this group is doing?


I was doing some research into the cult of trans and in particular those members of said cult who are targeting children with their ideology when I came across a training consultancy and support group for ‘trans kids’ that raises for me a whole lot of red flags. The more I dig into this particular group the more I see how trans ideology dominates it and how because of its domination by trans ideology it would be the very last place where I would bring a child who is having gender identity issues. This is because having read through this organisation’s website and seeing the way that it leans, I suspect that it offers an affirmation only or affirmation mostly approach to such children rather than attempting to get these disturbed and delusional children to accept their natal bodies.

The organisation in question, Rally Training and Support (hereafter referred to as Rally Training), is running ‘support groups’ for ‘transgender youth’ in the city of Hereford which are aimed at 16 to 25 year olds but are going to embark on the distinctly ‘groomerish’ process of starting a similar group for 11 to 15 year olds. I don’t know about you but I feel distinctly icky about a group pushing gender ideology onto children going through what is for many people, the confusing process of puberty.

Here’s one of Rally Training’s publicity posters about their 16 to 25 age group events.

The organisers of this and other events including a support group for ‘transgender and gender diverse young people’ *publicity poster below) are a pair of ‘mothers of trans children’ called Ali Wells and Rachael Quinn who also control the Rally Training company. This pair are obviously very deep into the cult of trans as can be seen by their willingness to pump their ideology into the minds of vulnerable teenagers and their propensity to use their pronouns every time their names are mentioned.

This is how Ms Wells and Ms Quinn describe themselves on the Rally Training website and their ‘trans children’ support group:

Ali and Rachel are both mother’s to trans* children and established this group after recognising there was little support out there for parents/carers of transgender/gender diverse people. They are happy to offer their support and guidance to others who are interested in running support groups.

I wonder exactly what ‘support’ this pair and the groups they run are giving the kids who pass through their groups? Is it the eminently sensible ‘wait and see’ approach which involves not intervening in any way with the delusional child and letting them come through their gender confusion naturally or referring them to counselling to enable these distressed children to become comfortable with their own natal bodies? Or does this group believe that the cure for gender confusion in teenagers is to sterilise them and make them medical patients for life? It would be interesting to find out. However I suspect from what they’ve said about themselves and their group and the nature of the groups that they run, that they might turn out to take a more affirmative approach to the trans delusion in young people rather than trying to make these deluded young people happy in their own bodies.  I’m extremely uneasy about the prospect that what this trans children’s support group is doing and worry that what may be happening is deluded children reinforcing the delusions of other similarly misguided children.  This group’s ‘conflict resolution services’ also gives me the creeps as it appears to be the case that this group is more interested in promoting acceptance by families of the Trans/Queer viewpoint that their child holds rather than helping what must be confused and vulnerable teenagers come to terms with their own bodies.

Rally Training doesn’t appear to be an incorporated entity. I can find nothing to say that they are registered with Companies House and this organisation could be some other sort of set up such as a partnership or sole trader. Rally Training is also in the sometimes quite lucrative business of ‘life coaching’ and those behind it are also touting themselves as LGBT consultants who can design LGBT policies for other organisations.

I must admit that I find the idea of those who are fully on the trans cult bandwagon and who are pushing this trans stuff writing policies, possibly for public sector or publicly funded third sector organisations a bit worrying. In a way getting this entity to write policies that protect all, including natal women, is a bit like getting Josef Stalin to write the next Labour Party manifesto, it’s not going to end well. I understand from digging around that these trans obsessed consultants are already providing ‘diversity’ training to HVOSS the local voluntary organisations support group for the county of Herefordshire. As HVOSS (charity number 1096451) gets a considerable amount (£146,500) of money from government grants this means that this, questionable, ‘diversity’ training has probably been paid for by the long suffering taxpayer. It’s important to remember at this point that groups like HVOSS do not choose out of free will to employ consultants to push various forms of diversity guff, to a large extent they are required to do so by the Equality Act 2010 and this is why the Equality Act needs to be either reformed or replaced.

I have not yet discovered how these ‘trans children’ support groups that Rally Training promotes are being funded. It’s quite possible that they could be funded by the Rally Training lot themselves or they could be getting money from elsewhere such as via the local ‘trans mafia’ aka the local LGBT groups. However what I do know is that the venue that they meet in is run by a relatively small ‘Social Exclusion/homelessness’ charity that is supported by the national lottery and a whole host of grant making trusts and other similar organisations. Their, that is the venue that hosts these LGBT young persons groups, accounts are available and make for interesting reading for those who like spreadsheets or who like discovering how small community groups manage finances.

I get some bad vibes coming off of the ‘trans teens’ groups that this Rally Training group are running. Having read the background bios of the organisers, one has a PhD in a ‘diversity’ subject and the other is all about ‘inclusion, advocacy, identity’ and has trained people in organisations on these issues, I don’t have confidence that they are able to think outside of the SJW box. The more I see of this Rally Training group the more I see people who maybe, because of their adherence to the ideology of trans, should not be in a position to influence vulnerable and deluded teenagers.

I found this statement on their future plans especially chilling. Rally Training said:

We are in the process of launching a group to support 11 to 15 year old members of the LGBTQ+ community.

So they are setting up a group that will target vulnerable and delusional children often struggling with the process of puberty and finding their place in the world, with trans ideology. I find this utterly disgraceful and possibly dangerous for the long term mental and physical health of the children who are likely to be involved.

The ease with which a small consultancy promoting the contentious ‘child gender transition’ ideology can worm its way into publicly funded organisations should be a matter of concern. It should concern anyone who has an interest in either the rights of natal women and young girls not to be pressured into stuff like breast binding and removal and those who are involved with child safeguarding that the concept of ‘child transition’ and of the existence of ‘child transgenders’ is being pushed on children in the groups run by Rally Training and Support.

This is a worrying example of how groups that are adherents or fellow travellers of the Cult of Trans gets its feet under the local authority and third sector tables. Are these groups that Rally Training run grooming groups or groups that are misguided and run by nonsense dominated hippies? Opinions of course will vary. But what I do believe is that such groups are dangerous because they normalise the delusions of teenagers who are going through massive changes in their minds and bodies. These confused kids don’t need to be ‘made happy’ with their trans status and pushed down the route of gender transition with all the problems that this process entails, instead they need to be made comfortable with who they are in their own natural natal bodies.

On one final note. It’s right in my view that people get angry at what the cult of trans is doing to vulnerable children however I would most strongly counsel that readers DO NOT, under any circumstances contact any of the individuals or entities mentioned in this piece. That’s just an arsey and counterproductive thing to do and would merely allow those at the heart of this story to play the victim card should they get criticism. What I’d much rather see people do is make a fuss about this group along with their activities and bring any concerns that you may have about them to your local elected representative from either the council if you live in the Hereford area or your local Member of Parliament. That’s the best way to voice your concern about groups such as these. Councillors, just like MP’s want votes at election time.

If people opposed to the idea of transing and thereby sterilising children let their councillors and politicians know what is going on with these ‘Trans children’ groups, groups which I certainly do not believe are uniquely located in Hereford, then those who need our votes may be more questioning about supporting or giving cover to these sort of groups. Politicians need to hear from the people about the negative outcomes of the transition paths approved by the gender identity cultists and how these cultists are reaching out to children. Laws need to be changed so that children are not targeted by gender ideology and that equal rights for those who are a bit different are protected without the political interference of an Equality Act bequeathed to us by the left wing of the Labour Party. This is a matter that needs to be sorted out politically, after all its politics that has got us into this identitarian and gender ideology mess. If politicians both local and national realise that supporting the trans cult is a vote loser, then local authorities and voluntary groups may be less willing than they are at present to take on board without question the views of these groups when dealing with them, for fear of losing either support or votes from ordinary people.

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