A cunning political stunt that discombobulates the Left.


A good and successful political stunt, one that causes little or no damage or injury but which makes a point or illustrates an important issue, is something worth noting. It’s especially worth noting when the stunt upsets or inconveniences very wealthy leftists who rarely if ever have to live with the problems that their political activism causes.

A good example of a political stunt that appears to be achieving its aim of embarrassing the cadre of wealthy leftist hypocrites and invigorating the supporters of conservative causes is the one that has been pulled by the Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. Governor DeSantis, who is in charge of a State that is very much afflicted by illegal immigration decided to transfer a whole bunch of illegal immigrants out of state to that playground of America’s rich and famous leftists, Martha’s Vineyard.

Whilst dumping a few dozen illegals on Martha’s Vineyard might not immediately solve Florida’s illegal immigration problem, which like that of Texas is huge, it does draw the public’s attention to the hypocrisy of the upper class left. The upper class Left are quite fond of shouting about how ‘no one is illegal’, that the problem with illicit migration is a minor problem for the border states only and that we should celebrate the ‘diversity’ that illegal migration brings, but what this elite Left wants is for the problems caused by these policies to be borne by someone else, not them. Dumping illegals into the heart of the summer home of the elite Left is a way of telling these out of touch leftists that their hypocrisy in wanting bad policies for which others will pick up the tab, have been noticed.

The champagne socialists who reside for part of the year in places like Martha’s Vineyard now have to deal with and experience the problems that America’s highly leaky borders and failure to seal these borders has caused. The elite left are mightily pissed off with this stunt by DeSantis and their discombobulation is a welcome sight to see.

The elite Left of America and especially of Martha’s Vineyard have whined about how virtuous they are in the face of DeSantis’s stunt but this elite Left doesn’t seem to be wanting to get its own hands dirty in dealing with the problem that they are suddenly facing. The response to the DeSantis stunt has not been for the rich elite left to take these illegals into their homes, something that they would gladly expect others to do, but to farm out caring for their new guests onto local churches. Even when faced with the obvious problems caused by the Left’s bad border policies that are currently being endured by border and high illegal migration states, the left elite cannot even bring themselves to sort out the issue themselves, instead they get their servants, in this case some naive Christians, to clean up their messes. It also needs to be said that the illegals whom the rich Leftists and liberals that were confronted with lost no time in shipping them out of their personal paradise.

Maybe Ben Shaprio is correct when he says that the leftist, often wealthy, Biden voters who have supported an administration that has overseen a situation where at least 1 million illegals have entered the United States, accept at least some of the illegals that they’ve turned a blind eye to. American society’s bosses, who at the moment are very much on the Left, are being confronted with the results of their own appalling policies and they really don’t like it.

1 Comment on "A cunning political stunt that discombobulates the Left."

  1. Living in a town overrun with immigrants, mostly illegal, for which I am paying I agree wholeheartedly with your posting. I am older now and can honestly say I am glad I won’t have to be here to see the results of this ridiculous immigration policy. My main concern now is why can’t the government honor it’s triple lock promise when it clearly has unlimited funds to pay for hotel places for the hundreds of freeloaders infecting in my town?

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