Quote of the Day 18th September 2022 – When good people speak up it’s a sign that the game is up.


Nearly everyone I’ve encountered who has started to ask awkward questions about the cult of gender ideology has a moment when they hit the ‘peak trans’ point. This is the moment when the scales fall from a person’s eyes and they start to see the inconsistencies, the misogyny, the cruelty, the aggression and homophobia of the gender identity cult and turn against it.

For some it could be the realisation that because of the gender identity cult those women’s spaces in facilities and sport that have been hard fought for by generations one and two of feminism, have become threatened by the cult of trans. For others it’s experiencing the homophobia of too many of the trans cult’s acolytes and for yet more it is a concern that this gender ideology poses a clear and present danger for children. For me it is a bit of all of these but also my peaking came from seeing how transition has a bad record in curing those who transitioned of whatever mental ailments that afflict them. A depressive who transitions might still be a depressive if it is a case where the gender identity confusion is masking an underlying depression.

We are starting to see more and more people, some who previously tried to accommodate trans people or the more broader cult of trans and who tried to help, saying that enough is enough. There comes a point for a lot of people, including myself, where we feel that even though we may have empathy and sympathy for individual transsexuals, the broader environment of the cult of trans is not something that we can support. Whilst there are individual transsexuals who are OK in themselves such judgement cannot apply to the cult of trans itself, a cult that many of us have come to see as dangerously destructive to both individuals and society.

I’m heartened that there is a greater prospect of the battle against the extremes of the cult of trans being won when I see genuinely good people, people whom I admire and have heard speak and have been impressed by their learning and personal conduct, turn against the cult of trans. Their decisions to speak up and to a certain extent accept that they were mistaken in going along with the cult of trans is one I believe is of immense importance in turning back the tide of gender cult extremists that are afflicting our society.

One such good person who has decided that the time has come to speak out against the extremes of the cult of trans is Rabbi Zvi Solomons. I’ve heard Rabbi Solomons speak and I know of his well respected reputation as a Rabbi who, although Orthodox, is highly admired on a cross communal basis. He was more than willing from what I’ve heard to make accommodations for those Jews who are transsexual. This reaching out and willingness to make accommodations like this is a big thing in Orthodoxy as men and women have different religious roles and there is sex segregation in synagogues, in order to stop men being distracted from prayer by the presence of women.

Rabbi Solomons ‘walked the walk’ when it comes to being kind to trans identified people just as I understand that Rabbi Solomons ‘walks the walk’ in other areas of his life and ministry. Therefore I’m amazed to see this Rabbi do an about face on Twitter when it comes to the cult of Trans.

Those of us who are familiar with Rabbi Solomons, his work and his admirable qualities are astonished but pleasantly astonished by this decision by the Rabbi to say this. It’s massively important because when a Rabbi as well respected as this one is comes out and admits that they have hit peak trans, that they are done with the world of trans and that they have to speak out, it shows just how much the social and cultural current is shifting. It’s a very good sign. I have the utmost respect for this Rabbi coming out and saying what they’ve said. It would have been much less personally costly for this Rabbi to just keep quiet, say nothing and slink away and hope that the avalanche that is coming for those who supported the cult of trans passes them by. He didn’t do that. He did the morally correct thing and publicly stated his changed position. He’s recognised that the cult of trans negatively affects women and Lesbians and that the gender cult is basically a lot of nonsense with bad outcomes. Kol haKavod Rabbi Solomons for telling the truth about the gender identity cult.


PS. In the original post I forgot the screen shot of the Rabbi’s comments.  Sorry, have amended.

5 Comments on "Quote of the Day 18th September 2022 – When good people speak up it’s a sign that the game is up."

  1. Thank you for yet another well thought out and thoroughly reasonable posting.

  2. Well, maybe there isn’t a massive trans identity cult? Maybe it is something being stirred up politically over what is essentially a private matter between a few trans students, their parents, teachers, and doctors. Why should it be my business as an outsider to get involved?

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 20, 2022 at 5:04 pm |

      There are quite a few feminists and others who would disagree with you regarding the trans movement not being a cult. After all it’s pretty cult like to shout and scream at a man holding a baby and accuse them both of being fascists for speaking to women’s rights demonstrations. Then there’s the equally cult like violence such as that dished out to Fred Sargent, an elderly veteran of the New York Stonewall Riot, a founder of Gay Pride who was physically attacked by trans rights activists. This cult even has its own religious chants such as ‘Transwomen are women’ and ‘TERFS must die’. There are also plenty of cults, such as the Baghwan Shree Rajneesh who, in a similar way to how many trans rights activists act, are willing to use violence and fraud to get their way.

      There are a whole lot of worrying similarities between the activists of the cult of trans and other cult organisations. Only a cult or a religion that finds questions unwelcome would tell the world that there must be ‘no debate’ about their position.

      If you want to get some idea as to how obnoxious trans rights activists have become then may I suggest that people take a look at Graham Linehan’s Substack pages. The TRA’s are truly awful and I don’t think that they do the miniscule number of genuine transsexuals out there any favours whatsoever. https://grahamlinehan.substack.com/

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 20, 2022 at 5:56 pm |

      Sadly this is the sort of entitlement and bullying behaviour that we’ve become all too used to since the TQ+ lot started to effectively parasite off of the LGB world. The TQ’s should never have been forced teamed with LGB as sexuality and gender identity/ideology are two very different things.

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