I see some Turkeys voting for Christmas.


I have to laugh to myself when I see far leftists such as the Queers for Palestine lot out and about. They are supporting an entity in the form of the ‘Palestinians’ whose demense is well known for being one where it’s extremely unsafe to be in any way ‘different’. Basically groups like QFP are the turkeys that are voting for Christmas.

Groups like this back the very political entities that would, if they had control, kill every gay person they could find. The Queers for Palestine morons seem to think that attacking the one country in the Middle East where it is relatively safe to be of a minority sexuality, the nation of Israel, they are serving the cause of ‘social justice’. They have a fantasy view of ‘Palestine’ one very much divorced from what is reality.

The sad fact is that the reality is this:

I don’t think I’ve seen a more lunatic and out of touch group than Queers for Palestine since the emergence of the equally mental ‘Jews for Jeremy Corbyn’ group. QFP should be mocked for their idiocy and mocked regularly as they do no good for man nor beast. QFP are not part of any solution to conflict, especially the conflict in the Middle East, instead they are part of the problem, a laughable and idiotic part.

2 Comments on "I see some Turkeys voting for Christmas."

  1. Siddi Nasrani | October 16, 2022 at 8:30 pm |

    The irony is these turkeys are going to get a roasting.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 17, 2022 at 9:47 am |

      Yes indeed. Maybe there should be a crowd funding effort to send these Queers for Palestine types on a one way trip to Gaza. A one way trip would all that would be needed as they’d experience a terminal welcome from Hamas.

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