From Elsewhere: The Middle Class Left have gone from silly and stupid to highly dangerous.


In my writing I’ve sometimes touched on the phenomenon of the Middle Class Left (MCL) and how they impose ideas and policies on the public that are often ones that do not have much in the way of positive outcomes for the general public. Britain in particular has landed itself with some terrible and difficult to solve problems in large part because the delusions of the MCL have been transformed from lunatic academic theory or Islington dinner party chat into policy. The MCL have given us multiculturalism that has brought little but division and has brought to Britain the spectre of Islamic Jew hatred. Green energy policies that are very likely to impoverish or destroy the ordinary person. Comprehensive schooling that has wrecked educational standards and by way of the top down imposition of the cult of trans, has sterilised and mutilated children as well as making the lives of women just that bit more uncomfortable and unsafe. The MCL have been a disaster for Britain.

Another person who has come across the phenomenon of the MCL is the writer Gareth Roberts. On Twitter Mr Roberts wrote about his experience of being the oddball child in his primary school class and how his later study of drama brought him into contact with the MCL artsy crowd. What he found was not good and I find that I very much agree with the assessment of these people by Mr Roberts. In part I agree with his assessment because at school I also was the ‘oddball’, the one who wasn’t into sport but instead sat and read books about politics and spent an inordinate time in the school photographic darkroom doing creative stuff. Like him I eventually got to meet the left wing artsy crowd and like Mr Roberts I went from seeing them as silly and then highly dangerous.

Mr Roberts said:

As a kid, I was interested in stuff that wasn’t usual for my class. This made me quite the little snob, to be honest. It also meant that as I got into my teens, and because I did drama and singing and writing, which was regarded – for whatever reason – as suspicious by the people I grew up around (and me swanning about with my nose in the air didn’t help), I gravitated inevitably to the middle classes. In fact, before I went to secondary school I thought I *was* middle class.

Had quite a rude awakening then, I can tell you. So I started to meet the nice, ‘kind’ artsy people. I thought maybe this was my ‘tribe’, as they say nowadays. Pro-GLC, up the miners, up the gays, all very polite and generous, seemed quite jolly.

But things kept nipping at me. Their chat – light and fluffy one minute, bloodcurdling bombast the next. Their allegiance to revolutionary communism, under which people like them would obviously be up against the wall by the second Thursday. They were obsessed by racism, but they were all white, and when working class whites couldn’t be blamed for racism they seemed simply not to register it. Yes, it was funny, but there was something very unworldly about it. The way they all felt the same way about everything in the world was creepy. But mostly they seemed harmless and silly.

I was about 16/17 when I started to twig that they very often had a ‘problem’ with Jews, and Israel. It was always couched in ‘humanitarian’ language, always with the get-out clause that they were aggrieved with the government of Israel, not Jews per se. But *why* were they so particularly obsessed with one tiny country, and so eager to condemn it, when there were far bigger villains doing unimaginably more awful things?

My laughable university course, which I think was about overthrowing capitalism via improv workshops, was like a spoof. The bollocks of deconstruction, critical theory etc sent some of my peers literally insane. It is very hard when you’re young to comprehend that adults in positions of authority, like my lecturers, can be unhinged.

As time went on – with the expansion of the universities and then the coming of the smartphone – that crappy ideology spread out, and the twee ‘silly/harmless’ (but actually virulently anti-Semitic) section of the arty middle class consumed every institution whole, from the police to the courts to the BBC. Now we can see the results. These people aren’t funny anymore. Fuck the lot of ‘em.

4 Comments on "From Elsewhere: The Middle Class Left have gone from silly and stupid to highly dangerous."

  1. chrishobby1958 | October 29, 2023 at 11:04 am |

    The wierd thing that I always find about left leaning folk is that everything they say seems to be the opposite of actual reality. It seems that, in order to maintain their worldview they have to live their lives in some kind of mirror world. So wind energy is cheap and reliable, EVs are kind to the environment, every newly socialist country is going to be a people’s paradise and the state will solve all of the nation’s problems rather than being the cause of most of them.


    • Fahrenheit211 | October 30, 2023 at 6:43 am |

      Yeah. Socialism only works in a world where people are willing to lie and accept lies. We saw this in the old Iron Curtain countries where people uttered and accepted falsehoods because there was no other acceptable way of behaving or thinking.

  2. It’s easy being Left-wing; whatever is obviously and demonstrably true – you just say the opposite.

    • Fahrenheit211 | October 30, 2023 at 6:39 am |

      Or conversely the way to be sensible and sane is to look at what the Left are saying and do and think the opposite.

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