Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the modern Metropolitan Police.


Having seen on social media this picture, below, of some of London’s ‘finest’ I reckon that the world needs a new chant, to sing about London’s failing Metropolitan Police. What about:

“They are big, they’re round, they roll around the ground, the Met police, the Met police”

I was astonished when I saw this picture of some particularly lardy Met Police officers. I know I am carrying more pounds than required but it’s less relevant to me as I’m not a police officer who is expected to catch criminals. Have Met Police fitness standards slipped so far as to employing officers who look as if they’ve spent the last five years being force fed fried bread, cakes and beer? They are so fat that they make me, who has extra poundage, look like the famous model Twiggy in comparison.

These are not the sort of officers that give the impression that they would be able to chase a mugger, or restrain a terrorist or take down one of London’s now very numerous knifemen, some of them look as if they would have trouble climbing one flight of stairs. These are not the officers that London needs for street policing, these are the sort of officers who are only fit for sitting on their arses searching through social media to find stuff that the Met, or their identity politics handlers, might find offensive.

As a Briton I find this image particularly depressing. It’s one of those small things that signify that the nation is turning to shit and those who govern us don’t care about that. In particular, it sends a message to Londoners that if the Met can’t even keep their officers from looking like the before picture in a dieting advertisement, then they are unfit, in all senses of the word, to control crime in London. They should not be happy with the image of themselves as fat, unfit, clad in ugly ill fitting uniforms and good only for piloting a desk or doing a non-job in the diversity sphere.

8 Comments on "Ladies and Gentlemen I give you the modern Metropolitan Police."

  1. My local tesco just around the corner often has police topping up their donut intake. I prefer the fat ones to the unshaven ones covered in tattoos . Some of them are so scruffy they make me look a picture of sartorial elegance .( I’d decribed my look at best -as not homeless)

  2. Oh my. Words fail me.

    @Moqifen: consider yourself lucky. I cannot remember the last time I saw Cops of any sort at my ‘local’ Tesco.
    But I did come across a couple on the high street a couple of weeks ago – for the first time in ages.

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 16, 2024 at 11:26 am |

      These plod might have been waiting around for a potential misgendering, which along with criticising the religion of un-peace, is when most people see plod.

  3. Jam Roly-poly was a favorite of mine when I was when at school, but not now. F-ing disgrace to be so unfit for duty.
    Chase me you fat fuck, ha ha, you can’t!

    • Fahrenheit211 | February 16, 2024 at 11:25 am |

      This lot could not catch a criminal even if the criminal was in a wheelchair with a flat tyre. They do look so unfit and slovenly don’t they?

  4. Siddi Nasrani | February 13, 2024 at 6:40 pm |

    They are part of Mr Blobby’s police farce in action!!

  5. Thank you for the amazing blog post!

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