Parliamentary cowards


The UK Parliament should be sovereign in the United Kingdom. Although Britain is a constitutional monarchy it is Parliament, the combination of the House of Commons and the House of Lords that holds ultimate power to formulate, approve or revoke legislation with the Monarch merely signing off such legislation into law.

No legislation, not even international law, can be applied in the United Kingdom unless it is incorporated into British law by Parliament. In addition the devolved administrations are constitutionally subject to Parliament, something the Scots found out when the Scottish National Party’s (SNP) plan to bring in gender self ID was blocked by the UK Parliament in Westminster on the grounds that it would clash with UK wide equality legislation that Parliament had passed.

In Britain, Parliament has developed over centuries to be the ‘big I am’ of governance the core of how the nation is governed an entity that manages itself and in theory has the power to protect itself.

But this week Parliament or more specifically the House of Commons and its members showed us that this entity that has complete authority over how the nation is governed, is more than willing to cower to mobs of violent or potentially violent scum who threatened the safety of Members of Parliament. The current Speaker of the House of Commons, currently Sir Lindsay Hoyle, apparently allowed, in alleged breach of Parliamentary procedure, a virtue signalling Labour vote on Gaza to go forward and not a similar motion from the SNP. It later transpired that the Speaker’s decision to grant the request of Sir Keir Starmer the Labour leader to proceed with the Labour motion most probably had links to the danger that Labour MP’s have faced, since the Hamas Pogrom of 7/10 against Israel, from extremist Muslims and far leftists who are picketing Labour MP’s offices and harassing Labour MP’s in the street in an attempt to get them to support the ‘Palestinians’ against Israel. Apparently, Sir Keir Starmer may have hoped that by getting the Labour Gaza motion to be put forward to the House then it would dial down the threat of violence to MP’s and party workers coming from extremist Muslims and the far left.

However all that has happened is that Parliament has given the impression that it is willing to cower to the mob. It is an act of appeasement that will have few if any positive outcomes. It will not dial down the threat that jihadists and their far left allies pose to Members of Parliament it will instead embolden these dangerous anti-democratic actors to create even more mayhem than they are already. We know this to be true because of the way that the pro-Hamas hate marches in London have gone. A failure by the Metropolitan Police to get a grip on these hate marches and instead to cower and appease the organisers of these marches has led to them becoming more bold, more willing to ignore the law and even more comfortable with calling for the death of Jews. On Wednesday of this week, Parliament allowed itself to be manipulated out of fear of the mob. They didn’t do this when the Chartists marched on Parliament in the 19th century and neither did they collapse when representatives of the various fascist and communist movements did similar things in the early 20th century.

Our Parliament, the one that gains legitimacy from our votes, has behaved scandalously this week. It caved in to the same far leftist and Islamic mobs that blight the lives of many ordinary Britons and what is worse cannot even bring itself to name the threat that both Parliament and the average Briton, especially in the more ‘left behind’ areas have to face.

I am ashamed of my Parliament and infuriated by it. I suspect that after Wednesday many others may well be of a similar point of view.

2 Comments on "Parliamentary cowards"

  1. “I am ashamed of my Parliament and infuriated by it. I suspect that after Wednesday many others may well be of a similar point of view.”
    I certainly am.
    But in truth it is no real surprise. Parliament (e.g. the APPG on Islamophobia), the Police (Batley teacher, Koran boy) and the Courts (Judge Tanveer Ikram for example) have been pandering to orthodox Islam for years, so now the “Islamists” expect to be able to flex their “mob muscles” and have the powers that be kowtow to them – and they are right.

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 13, 2024 at 11:58 am |

      Yup those in charge have continued to pay the Danegeld now they are being manipulated by the Dane.

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