Islamic anti-Semitism, it’s time to talk about it.

How much more warning do you need?

I know that this piece has already been seen quite widely but I’m republishing it because I wish to comment on it.

The case of the non-Jewish Irish journalist who donned a Kippah and walked about areas of Malmo that have a high concentration of Muslims, will be a real eye-opener for many.

It is hoped that it will be an eye-opener for those who still persist in believing that there is no such thing as anti-Semitism based on Islamic theology.

Islamic anti-Semitism, is the elephant in the anti-racists’ room.  For those on the anti-racist Left, it is something that they seem to find difficult to talk about.  Excuse after excuse is trotted out by these Leftists for Islamic anti-Semitism, ranging from a straight denial that it exists right through to blaming Middle East politics.

This is not good enough.  Those who call themselves anti racist, should speak up about Islamic anti-Semitism and inform themselves as to the theological and Koranic reasons why Jew-hatred is so deeply embedded in Islamic culture and belief.

Although as I always say, there are individuals who do not subscribe to such hatred, it can be seen that such hatred is very widespread in the Islamic world.  It is not something that is the fault of Israel, it is the fault of the ideology.

We need to be a whole lot more honest about why anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe, and it is not coming from the various two men and a dog ultra far right outfits, but is instead coming from the ideology of Islam.  As Islam has grown both demographically and in political power, so also has Islamic anti-Semitism grown.

‘Ehr Kumt, he/it is coming’.warned the right wing Zionist leader Ze’ev Jabotinsky to the Jewish population in Lithuania in 1938 (quoted via the link by Rabbi Schlomo Lewis).  We must not ignore the warning this time, Islamic anti-Semitism must be fought, must be challenged, and must not be ignored.  I hope this can be challenged peacefully but it will be a difficult task to undertake because Jew-hatred is deeply embedded in the core texts of Islam, and challenging it, challenges the narrative and values of Islam.  It is as if Christianity still had the ‘blood curse’ as a key part of their day to day beliefs.  Nowadays Chrisitians are in the main embarrassed by the ‘blood curse’, which has been a theological justification for Christian anti-Semitism, but in Islam,the blood curse ideology is still very strong indeed.

I would like to ask my readers, think what are the areas of your town or city where you would feel unsafe dressed in a way that identified you as Jewish?  Sadly I can think of plenty, and what is worse is I can remember when they were not unsafe, and I can observe why they are now unsafe.

Too many Jewish Europeans are having to be the ‘Canary in the coalmine.’  If that wasn’t bad enough there are too many non-Jewish Europeans who are not noticing that the Canary is looking a little poorly.

Paris,Stokholm, Malmo, Oslo, Hamburg, East London, Toulouse and other places are becoming more unsafe to identify as Jewish.  We should stop being dishonest about the reasons for this.