It’s time to rip up the International Convention on Statelessness

John Parker the former MP for Dagenham, who was instrumental in signing Britain up to the UN Statelessness Convention which now prevents us from removing the citizenship from those Jihadis and their enablers who were born in the UK.

Back in 1964, the Labour MP for Dagenham, John Parker put up a ten minute rule bill to amend the British Nationality Act to incorporate the UN Statelessness Convention into British Law. This small legislative act has had dire unforeseen consequences to British society today.

The fact that Britain has shackled itself to a UN Convention that forbids us from removing citizenship from Muslims born in the UK but who are agitating for Jihad and Shariah is only now being recognised as a problem. The incorporation of the Statelessness Convention was originally designed to prevent situations like that in the run up to World War II where Jewish refugees from Nazi Germany were refused temporary residence in Britain because the state in which they were registered either no longer existed, because it was incorporated into the Third Reich, or the Soviet Union or the nation of origin had removed citizenship rights from their Jewish citizens,

The Statelessness Convention was brought in for right and good reasons but it is a convention that has outlived its usefulness. The reasons for which it was brought in no longer apply and the Statelessness Convention is an extreme hindrance in the fight against Jihad. We now have the appalling situation where British-born Muslims can agitate for Shariah Law, which is counter to all British values or go off to fight for the cause of Jihad in places like Syria, Iraq or elsewhere. Because of this Convention we cannot effectively punish the families of Jihadis who in some cases have encouraged their family members to kill in the name of Allah.

We have a huge problem with Islamic sedition in Britain. It has been made visible to far more people by the Trojan Horse and Tower Hamlets scandals, the hate-filled Islamic preachers and the growing number of incidents of Islamic street violence.

Law must be flexible and to have a rule that says that Britain cannot rid itself of those who follow a dangerous and parasitical ideology is the epitome of legal inflexibility. As long as Britain abides by the Statelessness Convention we will continue to have a home grown Jihadist problem, and worse a problem that we cannot deal with effectively.

It’s time to rip up the Statelessness Convention before it allows Jihadists to strangle all of us with red tape woven by long dead MP’s. It was created in order to assist the victims of tyrants who are now but dust and names in the history books. It is not a Hitler or a Stalin or a Mao who threatens us, but the followers of a 7th century warlord, it is now an opportune moment to acknowledge that fact and tailor law and convention to reflect a very changed situation.