This is not just ordinary mental illness, this is Islamically enhanced mental illness.

The aftermath of the latest Jihad attack in Dijon, France. (picture via Deutsche Welle)

Many people are waking up this morning to the news that there has been another Jihad attack in France. Just shortly after a violent Islamic fraggle* was killed after stabbing several police officers in a town near Tours, another murderous Muslim in Dijon drove a car into random pedestrians whilst shouting ‘Allah hu Akbar’.

Although the French state and police is attempting at this stage to attribute this latest attack to the attackers mental instability, it is plain to see that Islam is a major factor in this attack. Most people who are mentally ill do not decapitate people or stab them or run them down whilst shouting ‘allah hu akbar’, but we are seeing a lot more of this from Islamic fraggles.

Here’s how the Daily Telegraph reported this story:

A driver shouted “Allahu Akbar” (“God is greatest”) as he ploughed into groups of people in the eastern French city of Dijon on Sunday injuring 11 people, two seriously, a source close to the investigation said.

“The man, born in 1974, is apparently imbalanced and had been in a psychiatric hospital,” the source told AFP, adding that “for now his motives are still unclear”.

The attack came the day after a French convert to Islam was shot dead after attacking three police officers with a knife while also reportedly crying “Allahu Akbar” in the central town of Joue-les-Tours.

The driver in Dijon was arrested by police after targeting passers-by at five different places in the city on Sunday evening, a police source said.

“Nine people were lightly injured and two others seriously but their lives do not appear to be in danger,” the source added.

Witnesses told police that the driver shouted “Allahu Akbar” and “that he was acting for the children of Palestine,” a source close to the investigation said.

Bernard Cazeneuve, interior minister, told French television station TF1 on Sunday that the man who was shot dead the day before after attacking a police station in Joue-Les-Tours was “very unstable”.

The anti-terror branch of the Paris prosecutor’s office has opened a probe into that attack, investigating whether it was motivated by radical Islam.

The phenomenon of mentally ill individuals, who are more amenable to being persuaded to suffer form sudden jihad syndrome who have been radicalised by Islamic extremists is one that cannot be ignored. Back in September 2014, following the decapitation in London of an innocent elderly woman by a Muslim convert, this blog predicted that there will be more attacks like this by mentally unstable Muslims primed for random attacks by Jihadist groups . Sadly this prediction has been proved correct. As the months have gone by we’ve seen a rise in the number of mentally ill Muslims, taking part in various attacks on non-Muslims. Some of the victims have been random, as in the London beheading case, but others appear to be carefully chosen as in the Tours attack on police officers. In the London case, the Tours case and now the Dijon case, deranged people have become even more dangerously deranged than before simply by the addition of some Islam. There is a discernable pattern in these attacks and although one Islamic fraggle attack could be seen as a one off, and a second similar attack considered as a coincidence, when you have three or more then it must be seen as enemy action.

Mentally ill Muslims, ripe for radicalisation, either by face to face or virtual means, are time bombs walking among us, and it is about time that this particular type of ambulant IED was dealt with by the authorities as a matter of urgency. With ‘Care in the Community’ rather than secure hospitals being the preferred method of dealing with mental Illness, this means that a lot of vulnerable and sick people are at risk of contact with Islamic jihadis, who think nothing of using such people to attack non-Muslims.

It doesn’t take a village to raise a child, but it often takes Islam to turn someone suffering from mental illness into a murdering jihadist fraggle.


Original story from Daily Telegraph-over-comment-piece-he-said-branded

Blog post from Fahrenheit211 regarding the beheading in Edmonton, London.

*For the benefit of my American readers, ‘fraggle’ means person who is catastrophically mentally ill. It comes from a prison slang description of the psychiatric wing in British prisons as ‘fraggle rock’. This slang term then leaked out into general usage.

2 Comments on "This is not just ordinary mental illness, this is Islamically enhanced mental illness."

  1. When will the next lone wolf islamic nutter strike next and where.
    A simple journey on any public transport where there is a strong islamic influence is a journey racked with paronoia nowadays.
    wether as a daytripper visiting london or a simple a to b journey relaxation is out of the question.
    from the drugged up lone somalian to the black youth sporting a dodgy beard or the north african man wearing what resembles a dress speaking loud and agressively on his mobile.
    i find myself being ready to defend myself if need be and sitting close to a muslima in case her presence may deter a freak from blowing himself up near her.
    may blair and his cronies rot in hell and may the next lone wolf nutjob divinely guide himself to one of the metro lefts ivory towers and show themselves for what they are

  2. English...not many of us left. | December 22, 2014 at 9:59 pm |

    Why don’t we ask that nice Mr.Putin if we could lease one
    or two , or several dozen, of his spare gulags and send all our raghead and other assorted non-productive sub-humans to rot
    away the rest of their useless existence.
    An amicable financial package could be arranged between both
    parties, which would be far cheaper than the present cost of
    keeping these nothings in the 5- star accommodation which these days passes as our prison and “rehabilitation” system.
    We could also employ ex-Spetsnaz or other military personnel
    to run these establishments, for a suitable fee, of course.
    Given the parlous state of the Russian economy, and ours,
    it could well be a win-win solution to a burgeoning problem.
    Worth a try I would say, getting it past the bleeding hearts
    and yuman rights zealots could be a problem though… 🙂
    A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year…..said Tiny Tim.

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