Video – ‘Syrian refugees’ AKA Islamic thugs, destroy property in Germany.

CORRECTION: There is an error in the dating of this piece. The video is dated not September 2015 as claimed in the header of the YouTube video, but as people have helpfully pointed out, was filmed sometime in 2011. Normally I would double check a source, especially a video source, carefully but this time I slipped, possibly because I was trying to combine writing with baby care. I’d like to thank those who pointed out the error and apologise to readers.

The shocking content of the video embedded above is claimed to have been filmed a few days ago, on or around the 18th/19th September.

It shows hundreds of ‘Syrians’ and other Islamic thugs destroying public property and running through the streets.

It was filmed apparently by some concerned German citizens who are rapidly finding out that the sort of ‘refugees’ that are being dumped into their areas are not women and children grateful for being given refuge. What they have got instead is Islamic thugs pumped up on testosterone and their stinking fascistic ideology who run riot and make outrageous demands.

Are you sure you want such scum where you live? I for one know that I don’t want these bastards anywhere near me or mine.

12 Comments on "Video – ‘Syrian refugees’ AKA Islamic thugs, destroy property in Germany."

  1. Sure looks like a swarm to me, whatever the bleeding-heart liberals have to say, Absolute scum, the whole lot of them, and unfit to live in decent society.

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 21, 2015 at 10:12 am |

      They are indeed absolute scum. So unlike the mostly decent refugees that Britain took in from Germany in the 30’s, and 40’s. It angers me greatly to see people and media organisations making untrue comparisons between the genuine refugees fleeing for their very lives from Adolf Hitler, and the violent, screaming mob of destructive savages that we are currently seeing making its way across Europe.

      • The German “Vertriebenen” were not fleeing from Adolf Hitler but from the Red Army and from the Czechs.

        • Fahrenheit211 | September 21, 2015 at 9:26 pm |

          Yes there was a massive population movmement of Ethnic Germans after the expulsions from the East.

  2. Thanks for the video. I did not know it. Youtube thread says it is from Dortmund 2011 though. So on the one hand these are not the “Syrians” of 2015 (of which 80% are not Syrian). On the other hand it means something even worse: That the Kurds and Turks living in NRW for decades are radical warring factions not integrated in German society. (Which they are, of course) This looks like a Turk faction, from the flags , probably Grey Wolves.

    NRW is VERY islamized especially EVERYTHING on the North side of the river Ruhr.

  3. The next elections should be very awakening.

  4. Tiredofstupid | September 22, 2015 at 5:39 am |

    Look like cockroaches don’t they? And like cockroaches when you see 1 in daylight you know there are hundreds hiding and waiting to swarm the locale when the time is ripe.

  5. Hi All, I feel very upset and really angry at what is happening, in Europe as a German, I am very prod of this country, I believe in German democracy and the German people are a strong proud race of people, but I am very worried about Germany , there is nowhere for us to run to, to escape what I see coming at the moment in Graz-Styria, on the border, German Army units and border guards are being mobilized as I write this down ,5 battalions have so been given orders to , mobilize,, a cousin of mine has been given his orders for mobilisation as well, none of this is in the MSM as it not for open knowledge, plase take note the Slovenion Police are erecting a 1,000 klm border with 2 meter fence using razor wire, Europe is on the brink ….I beleiieve .

    Germany cannot take 800,000 of the Muslim savages….Merkel was and is totally stupid gierig und egoistisch sozialistischen..

  6. Now the EU is imposing quotas for the East. Do they really think that they will stay there? Once they have papers they’ll be in Germany or the UK… just like the current influx of Bangladeshis from Italy…

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