A well-worn path – Convert to Islam, then get all violent.

From Hug to Thug- a path we can consider to be normal for Islam.
From Hug to Thug- a path we can consider to be normal for Islam.

From Hug to Thug- a path we can consider to be normal for Islam.

It is normally considered as a basic tenet of a free society that the individual should have the right to change or abandon a religion and to choose the spiritual path, if any, that best suits them. It’s a right, that in Britain at least has been hard-won after a long history of religious persecution and ‘ ‘ conflict. People in Britain can choose from a ‘Heinz 57’ varieties of Christianity, about half a dozen types of Judaism, various flavours of Buddhism plus a whole lot of other ways that people can express their desire or need for the Divine.

As well as people having the right to change religion it is also quite common for those who change their faith to become sometimes more fervent than those who are born into a particlar faith. You can sometimes find that those who choose to become Christians may be a bit more annoying and intrusive in their evangelism than someone brought up in a Christian household, but that can be balanced by someone becoming more chartiable because they have chosen this particular path. Then there are those who choose Judaism and are often more enthusiastic about following 613 sometimes quite onerous Commandments, than some of those who are Jewish by birth.

Niether of these scenarios are much for the general population to be concerned about. OK your newly Jewish friend may no longer feel able to eat in places that they used to eat, in as they are no longer considered to be ‘kosher enough’, and a new Christian may be a little too eager to impart their ‘good news’ to those who are in no mood to hear it. But those who convert to Islam, are a different kettle of fish altogether. Those who convert to Islam are a matter of concern for the rest of us, as there is now a well worn path taken by people that leads them to Islam and then onto violence. We also need to be worried about the lack of discrimination practised by Islamic evangelists as it’s now very obvious that they make a point of scooping up the sad, the bad and the catastrophically mentally ill.

We’ve recently had another example of this often walked path to Islamic violence via prison and with a large dash of mental illness thrown in, with the case of Craig Wallace aka Muhhamad Mujadid Islam. Wallace, giving a graphic demonstration of how peaceful Islam really is, pleaded guilty to sending threats of violence to an MP who voted in favour of military action in Syria. According to the Guido Fawkes and Metro sites, Wallace was remanded in custody until December 30th when he will be sentenced.

Here’s some of Wallace’s Facebook messages which have been copie from the Guido site:

Wallace to MP 1


Wallace to MP 2

Wallace epitomises the sort of damaged and indeed dangerous person who is either attracted to Islam because they percieve that is a violent ideology which will allow them to continue to be violent, or they were subjected to violence by Muslims in prison in order persuade them to convert to Islam. Either way we have a problem. Those who choose Islam have either by coercion or voluntarily put themselves beyond the pale, and have placed themselves outside of civilised society and civilised discourse.

There is a delicious irony in this story in that a short while prior to Wallace coming over all ‘sudden jihad syndrome’, he was campaigning to show Islam as a peaceful and indeed ‘huggable’ ideology, and was featured in the Press doing just that.

This case shows why civilised and free societies should be very wary of those who convert to Islam, and why we should treat them as the threat that they so often are, as in the case of the Islamic murderers of Lee Rigby. Those who convert to Islam need to be told in no uncertain terms that their actions are wrong. We should shun converts to Islam just as we shun paedophiles and sex offenders. Someone who voluntarily chooses Islam, knowing what it is all about and knowing that it is a totalitarian death cult that desires the destruction of everything that has been built in free societies, is no better than someone who voluntarily chooses to abuse or murder a child.

Islam is not a religion of peace and Wallace is yet more evidence that proves that Islam is not peaceful. We should no longer tolerate those who wish to impose their brand of intolerance on the rest of us.

It’s a right to change ones religion, but when it comes to Islam I’m increasingly of the opinion that this right should not extend to choosing a dangerous, destructive and violent ideology such as Islam.

We must endeavour to close down the well-worn path that leads to Islam and violence that often takes in prison and psychiatric hospitals on the way, if we don’t we will find ourselves with an increasing number of violent fraggles, willing and eager to kill for Allah.

The ‘huggable’ Muslim who turned out to be a thug


Screenshots of the latest batch of threats to an MP from a convert to Islam


3 Comments on "A well-worn path – Convert to Islam, then get all violent."

  1. English, still here... just. | December 10, 2015 at 2:31 pm |

    Sort of, kind of tenuous connection to the above, or not !
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    I signed this a.m. and had no difficulty in finding it
    Thank you.

  2. English, still here... just. | December 10, 2015 at 2:48 pm |


    https:// petition.parliament.uk/petitions/114907

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