Blog Housekeeping – Technical issues

I’m currently trying to sort out some minor technical issues with this blog so things may wobble about a bit over the next few days. Some people have said that they are having difficulty re-tweeting stories from the blog and I feel that it may be a coding cock up issue at the heart of this problem.

I’ve also taken the opportunity to replace the blog’s now defunct telephone contact number and it is now  07926 845 196 instead of whatever it was before. Please feel free to drop us a text if there are Islamic or appeasement of Islam shenanigans going on in your area which you’d like this blog to publicise or criticise. Also if you have any stories that you feel this blog should cover then get in touch. I’ll try to check the texts once every day or so.

Words, text and pictures may jump around a bit on here and features may change place, but it should all work out right in the end.