The Zombie Left – Dead but still in control.

Leftist Zombies. Currently running a local authority, social work department, school or university near you.

Although this article, sourced from Front Page Magazine, concerns Israel, what struck me was how there were certain similarities between the Left in Israel and the Left in Britain. The article says that the Israeli Left is politically dead, at least in terms of public support, but is still in control of academia, media, culture and the supreme court.

Although governments may change, the permanent parts of government and administration have been thoroughly colonised by the Left. Does that remind you of anything or anywhere? It certainly makes me think of Britain where it doesn’t seem to matter who you vote for as the perma-government of academia, media and the legal system are stuffed with Lefties and still has a lot of influence, mostly malign influence in my opinion.

Here’s the article from FPM by Daniel Greenfield that outlines how the Israeli Left have a falling level of support among the population, how the centre and the right is growing. It also shows how although the Left is dying as a widely supported political current, it still controls important organs of state, culture and law. As is usual policy for this blog the original text by Mr Greenfield is in italics and my comments in plain text. The graph below also shows how political sympathies are shifting in Israel and is useful in helping to understand the FPM piece.

Pew figures on Israeli politics

Front Page Magazine said:

The Israeli left is dead and running Israel. To make sense of this strange situation, let’s look at the numbers from the Pew survey. It’s getting more attention for the results that show half of Israeli Jews are really to expel Muslims after decades of terror. But from a political point, the realignment is big. Very big.

I need to say at this point two things about Israeli Arabs. Firstly that not all Arabs are Muslims, there are a number, sadly a shrinking number due to Islamic oppression, of Arabs who are Christians. Secondly that there does exist a coterie of some Israeli Arab Muslims who are loyal to the state of Israel and recognise that their families have in Israel the sort of freedoms that are unimaginable elsewhere in the Middle East. However, the Pew figures do suggest that Israelis from across the religious spectrum are getting mightily fed up with the constant diet of Islamic attacks and the tragic and unnecessary deaths that such incidents bring. I can well understand why a growing number of Israelis think that the country would be better off without Muslims and Islam. We in Britain are increasingly angry at the piss taking, mass rapes and violence coming from ‘our’ Muslim communities but we need to remember that it is a far far worse situation for the Israelis, with Muslims causing so many deaths and injuries. Therefore the anger at the existential threat that Islam poses for Israel and Israelis is that much greater. Israel is on the front line of the war against the ‘uncivilisation’ of Islam and it is not surprising that attitudes towards Muslims are getting considerably harder.

But, to get back to the heart of this story of the dangerous ‘Perma-governmental’ Left, Mr Greenfield is right, although the ‘expel the Muslims’ feelings of some Israelis has been what has led headlines, it’s the political realignment that is interesting.

Mr Greenfield added:

If you’re not an Israeli or religious, the various breakdowns won’t interest you, but the bottom line is that only 8 percent of Israeli Jews identify with the left. Over a third identify with the right.

The shift to the right, with one third of all Israeli Jews from across the religious spectrum supporting the political right is startling. The bulk of the Left’s support is coming from the Hilonim, or secular atheists of Jewish heritage, and even then the Left can only garner 14% support. Bearing in mind the Hionim have less children than Jews who are more religiously observant, then the long term prospects for the section of the population who may be more likely to support the Left do not look good.

Leftist affiliation is non-existent among Orthodox and traditional Jews. It exists to a small degree, 14 percent, among secular Jews. And they’re a demographically declining population due to birth rates. But the left would be in a catastrophic position even if all of Israel was hilonim. Since they’re 40 percent and the parts of the country that least identify with the left are growing fastest, it’s in a really catastrophic position.

The Left in Israel it seems is being seen by all sections of the Jewish population in as a failure. The economic policies, social policies and most importantly the security policies of the Left have failed. Despite years of the Israeli Left saying ‘peace, peace’, all that is happened is the Muslim Arabs have got more violent and their cries for Jihad have got louder and louder.

Now we get to the part of the article that could quite easily, with a few local amendments apply to the United Kingdom.

Mr Greenfield added:

Now on paper, the Israeli left should be irrelevant. It should be an electoral joke.”

Good point, When you look at Britain how many people support for example the far Left of the Labour Party or the far Left in general? Not many of the British people could be called Leftist ‘true believers’. I believe part of the reason why Labour got beaten in the last General Election here in the UK, was a fear of the outrageous and intrusive Leftism that might be the path of a Labour/SNP Coalition at Westminster. The prospect of a Miliband/Sturgeon government scared the living crap out of many people in England and Wales.

But the left still controls academia, the media, popular culture, the justice system and some top echelon positions across a variety of institutions, it in practice continues to run Israel.

Yet another statement that could easily apply to Britain. Here in the UK the media, especially the broadcast media is unrelentingly leftist in tone. Our academia and our education system in general is dominated by Leftist thought that often puts dogma above effective teaching. Academia and the schools that form a part of Britain’s academic culture have also been responsible for some monstrous examples of children being exposed to various bits of Leftist propaganda. It is because of the Left which is embedded in our education system that we have a situation where 4 year olds are going to be propagandised into favourable views of transgenderism. We also have to endure the appalling spectacle of vulnerable children being lied to about the true horrific nature of the ideology of Islam.

The statement about the justice system and the higher echelons of the administrative system could also apply to the UK. From the lowest local council office to the highest levels of the Civil Service, the sort of far Leftism that people didn’t vote for or approve of, holds sway. Our major charities and the legal overseer of charities, the Charity Commission, are dominated by those who many would consider as being on the liberal left.

Like Israel, Britain seems to have two governments. We have the one that we vote for, and we also have the one that we didn’t. The one that we didn’t vote for, the perma-government of the embedded Left, runs our council services, our education system, our art and cultural systems, our social work profession, our police forces and admin systems. It is this perma-government of the Left that wants more Islamic immigrants, more left propaganda pumped into our children, and more control over the individual citizen.

The leftist Deep State in Israel is thoroughly undemocratic. It consists of an ongoing leftist coup against democracy.

Again, we see some similiarities between the political situation in Israel and the situation in the UK. There has been an ongoing Leftist coup against democracy in the UK as well. We didn’t vote for judges who hand out derisory sentences to serious offenders or social workers who come down hard on good parents whose political views differ from that of the social work establishment, but we still got these things and these people. We didn’t vote for or assent to damagingly high levels of immigration, often of those from cultures that hate us. The ‘Leftist deep state’ is a bloody good term for what the Left’s tapeworm-like behaviour has created.

The other thing the left has done is try to camouflage itself. The center is still the biggest part of the electorate. So the left invents fake centrist parties fronted by people like Lapid and Kahlon who seem to be centrist technocratic reformers, even though they aren’t.

Reminds me a little of Britain’s Liberal Democrats, who portray themselves as centrist, but who never seem to encounter an anti-British policy or programme that they didn’t like. Scratch the surface of a Lib Dem and you will find someone desperate to shut down Britain and hand the whole lot over to Brussels.

And it dresses up its core Labor Party as centrist by renaming it the Zionist Union and keeping Livni out front. Calling Labor, Zionist today is like the Nazis renaming their party the We Love Jews party to become more popular.

Bit of a strong comment there from Mr Greenfield about the Israeli Labour Party but he’s right about the cynical chasing of centrist votes. Again this reminds me of Britain’s Labour Party. ‘Yes we are reasonable’ they cry, but look at the unreasonable mess Labour create, not only from their disastrous last period in Government, but also at the Rotten Boroughs (often Islam dominated Rotten Boroughs) that are Labour so often preside over.

The left is dead, but it’s running much of Israel through a two-pronged strategy of simply seizing unelected power. The Supreme Court is a typical example of that. It claims unlimited power over everything and everyone. The second is an electoral strategy of fake centrism.

Spot on Mr Greenfield, and yet another comment that could easily apply to the United Kingdom. As with Israel much of the unelected state, such as the judicial, social, education and health systems are now in the hands of the Left and many Britons and Israelis are suffering because of that takeover. In Britain what is required are politicians who will not merely pretend to be patriotic, pretend to be centrist or pretend to be right, but ones who will recognise the problem of the Leftist Deep State and deal with it forcefully. It’s no use at all for politicians to ‘make the right noises’ about freedom and rights, whilst the Leftist Deep State continues on its mission to destroy that which generations of Britons, some born Britons and some naturalised Britons, have worked damned hard to build.

It’s time to clear the Leftist crap out of our national stables before we drown in the festering lake of effluent that the Left always leave behind them.


Read the full Daniel Greenfield piece via the link below

1 Comment on "The Zombie Left – Dead but still in control."

  1. philipsmeeton | March 12, 2016 at 4:28 pm |

    Socialism is dead it just doesn’t know it yet, we have to hasten its demise and restore sanity and justice to the world.

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