Islamic ‘sexual emergency’ crime comes to the UK


Other nations, such as Austria, have suffered for a while now from the phenomena of Muslim immigrants being unable to control their depraved sexual urges. In the most well known Austrian case an Iraqi Muslim savage posing as a ‘refugee’ raped a ten year old boy and the savage said that he raped the boy because he was frustrated and that it was a ‘sexual emergency’. Sadly this sort of disgusting and uncivilised behaviour is all too common among Muslim men as Germany, Sweden a host of other civilised nations have found out.

Now it’s the turn of Wales to suffer from Islamic sexual deviants and yet again it’s another Iraqi who has been apprehended masturbating in the street. Although this is the first time that this sort of imported Islamic ‘sexual emergency’ has raised its ugly head in the UK but it’s not the first that British towns have been plagued by ‘wanking Muslims’. Bradford for example has had a few of these publicly wanking Muslims of which this blog has featured some examples.

According the Brietbart website an Iraqi was caught publicly wanking outside a branch of Primark in Swansea, Wales. As is normal policy for this blog the original text is in italics whereas this blog’s comments are in plain text.

Brietbart said:

An Iraqi migrant caught masturbating in the centre of Swansea in broad daylight said he did it because he could no longer afford prostitutes.

On trial for outraging public decency, Fershid Halmat Hemdadi admitted carrying out the lewd action in front of members of the public but disputed that the incident took place in a public place.

Hemdadi claimed his actions, which he heard in court were “obscene” and “disgusting”, came after women in a passing car “seduced” him.

How disgusted are you by the actions and attitudes of this Islamic savage. I’m very disgusted.

The court heard that the Iraqi, who claimed to be 23 but gave the court three different ages, had asked a woman for a cigarette before wandering into a public lane next to Primark and McDonald’s, where he was sighted with his hands down his trousers.

This savage is looking more and more dodgy as I read on.

When confronted by council employee Alex Dubens, who asked Hemdadi if he’d been masturbating, the Iraqi said “yes but I did not finish” and explained he was forced to do it there because he “didn’t have anywhere else to go”.

So according to the savage wanking in public is OK provided that the man doesn’t ejaculate? Do we really honestly need human detritus like this particular savage and those like him?

Recalling the exchange on July 25, Mr. Dubens said: “It was very blasé. He didn’t seem to comprehend the gravity of what he’d done”.

The court heard that Hemdadi had told the officer who arrested him: “I was just w******, I’ve got nowhere else to go”.

Later, he told police: “They [women passing in a car] seduced me and I w***** and told them ‘do you want to follow me, they said no, no, no’.”

What a disgusting savage that this Muslim fake refugee is. Sex obsessed and without any sense of shame or morality whatsoever. When the foolish ‘refugees’ welcome’ crowd speak of ‘asylum’ then it pays to remember that this is an example of the sort of savage that they want to allow in. Just think about the facts of this case for a moment. Here we have a sexually deviant savage who rather than work hard and pay for a roof over his own head spunks, pardon the pun, all his money, which may well have originated from the British taxpayer, on prostitutes. We don’t need such savages here we really don’t. He even had the cheek to say that he wasn’t doing anything wrong as he didn’t ejaculate. The people I feel sorry for in this case are the women whom this savage bothered. The women didn’t ‘seduce’ the savage, the savage made a nuisance of himself.

Brietbart added:

The Iraqi pleaded not guilty to the charge of outraging public decency, claiming the lane by Primark and McDonald’s was not a public place.


Vaughan Pritchard-Jones, the prosecuting lawyer, said: “All the defendant has disputed is that this incident didn’t take place in a public place, he doesn’t dispute masturbating in the presence of members of the public.”

An alleyway or a side lane seems pretty public to me.

Hemdadi laughed as the court was shown a video in which the Iraqi, questioned by police, put his hand down his trousers and made fast up and down movements to demonstrate what he’d been doing.

Magistrate Neil Brown had to tell Hemdadi to stop when he tried to demonstrate his actions again in the courtroom.

He even finds it difficult to not juggle the meat and two veg even when he was in the courtroom.

Hemdadi, who is seeking asylum in the UK, explained that he fled Iraq for his safety after being released early from a 25-year prison sentence in his homeland.

I’d love to know why this savage warranted 25 years inside back in Iraq. Was it for a sex offence or some other heinous crime?

Unfortunately I have no confidence that this savage’s behaviour will have any negative effect on his asylum application. This is because those who run our incredibly weak and soft asylum system will never have to put up with wanking Muslims like this one, it will be people in ordinary working class areas who will find their lives and their towns blighted by wanking Muslims like Hamdadi. The bleeding hearts who will probably decide in this deviant’s favour and allow him to stay in the UK won’t have to put up with him, it’s the rest of us who will have to do that.


Original story of the wanking Muslim of Swansea

Wanking Muslims in Britain

The wanking Muslims of Bradford

Austrian child sexually assaulted by Muslim who claimed he was suffering from a ‘sexual emergency’.