An honest politician – Why can’t we have one of those?

Matteo Salvini leader of the Italian Lega Nord party who has admitted that Islam is a threat to Italy.


One of the defining things about the mainstream political scene in Britain at the moment is the large amount of Islamopandering that goes on across nearly all of the political parties represented at Westminster. Representatives of Labour, Conservative and Liberal Democrat parties seem to fall over themselves in order to see who can ingratiate themselves with the often dodgy Islamic ‘community leaders’ the most. These politicians are also most often the ones that loudly proclaim the by now obvious lie that Islam is a ‘religion of peace’.

But, things are slightly different in Italy where politicians with a much more realistic view about the Islamic religion of death are starting to become listened to. According to a news report on the Breitbart website, Italian anger at the Muslims that have been dumped on them by the EU and Germany is starting to grow and may well be reflected in the results of a forthcoming general election. The news report said that Matteo Salvini the leader of the nationalist party the Lega Nord has openly named Islam as a major problem facing Italy. Mr Salvini has also promised to deport half a million unwanted mostly Islamic migrants from Italy over a period of five years.

Breitbart said:

Italian populist Lega leader Matteo Salvini has named Islam as one of the greatest threats to Italy and has promised to not only carry out deportations of illegals but secure all aspects of the Italian border on land and sea.

Salvini, who hopes to best his coalition partner Forza Italia in the national election in March and become prime minister, made the explosive remarks in an interview with Italian newspaper il Giornale this week.

In the interview with Il Giornale, Mr Salvini showed and admirable honesty about Islam and the threat that it poses not just to Italy but to the entire Western world. Mr Salvini is quoted as saying: “Today’s Islam is a danger. I do not want it, unless it evolves and opens up, otherwise it’s a danger. A Salvini government will put a stop to any irregular or abusive Islamic presence in Italy.”

These are pretty fair remarks about Islam although they will no doubt upset the followers of Islam and the screaming leftists who consistently promote and protect the Islamic ideology even though Islam goes against much of what the Left professes to be in favour of, such as women’s rights. If the sort of Islam that Italy and other European nations were getting was of the Ahmadi or Ismaili variety, those parts of Islam that have made accommodations with modernity and with plurality of belief, then Mr Salvini’s comments could be seen as hyperbole. But, as the majority of the Islam that we, including the Italians, seem to be getting is very much the nasty, violent and fascistic kind, Mr Salvini’s assessment of the situation regarding Islam is pretty accurate and bang on target.

It will be interesting to see if the results of the election in March are affected by Mr Salvini’s honesty about Islam and whether the Lega Nord can increase it’s representation in the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate from its current levels of 15 and 12 respectively. There is the possibility that either Lega Nord or other parties that are concerned about immigration and about Islam could do better and this may well be connected to the fact that Italy is one of the nations on the front line of the invasion from the South of mostly Muslim migrants posing as ‘refugees’. It is in Italian ports that these fake ‘refugees’ are eventually landed by left wing NGO’s and people smugglers and it is Italian cities and towns that are now waking up to the criminality and violence that these invaders have brought. It is quite possible that the problems brought to Italy by their imported Muslims may well be a factor in causing the hard pressed Italian electorate to choose anti Islam and anti migration parties like Lega Nord and frankly who can really blame them for doing so? No civilised country wants the sort of Islam that the Italian citizens have been landed with and I believe that Mr Salvini was right to speak up on this matter.

I am struck by the difference between Mr Salvini and Britain’s mass ranks of political Islamopanderers. Not for him the fawning over Islam and the lies told about it which is conduct that abounds in Britain’s political classes. Mr Salvini is a politician who is being refreshingly honest about Islam and it’s time that Britain had politicians who are equally honest about an ideology that at heart means us harm and brings nothing with it that we as free peoples neither need nor want. Mr Salvini has told the truth about Islam and this is something good to see and hear and something that should be celebrated. If only we in Britain could have politicians like Mr Salvini who refuse to tell lies about Islam and instead tell us the truth about it.