From Elsewhere:  The only prick visible in this image is Sadiq Khan


Guido Fawkes pulled off a brilliant dig at Greater London’s failed, incompetent and spendthrift mayor Sadiq ‘Saracen’ Khan.

The image pasted as header to this piece comes from Guido’s site and is acknowledged as such and shows Sadiq Khan seemingly having a flu vaccination.  Unfortunately for Khan, the PR image that the Mayor has used shows the syringe allegedly being used to vaccinate Khan, still having its cap on.  The image also shows that the jab is being given through Khan’s shirt, something that even I know is a ‘no no’ and something I’ve only seen being done by a particularly hardy geezerbird diabetic ex girlfriend of mine and even then she did this against medical advice.

This image raises a really big question for me and it should do for others.  If Greater London’s clown of a Mayor cannot even get a basic PR picture to be believable, then how on earth can Londoners trust him to run Britain’s capital city?  The answer I have come to is that they can’t.  Khan will merely continue to run London into the ground whilst portraying himself, both unjustly and dishonestly, as some sort of ‘saviour’ for London.

1 Comment on "From Elsewhere:  The only prick visible in this image is Sadiq Khan"

  1. Excellent exposé of fake news, thanks

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