Another jihad attack in France and an attack on a French consulate.

Radical Islam has declared war on France and the French people. I did wonder whether it was hyperbole to say that but with two attacks in France by Bearded Savage Muslims shouting Allah hu Akbar and an attack on the guard at the French Consulate in Jeddah Saudi Arabia, this does look like the beginning of war waged by Islam on France, French people and French values.

Following on from the attack in Nice where a woman in a church was allegedly beheaded by a Jihadist savage, there has been an attack in Avignon in France’s Provence region by a Muslim armed with a handgun. The Islamic savage was seen waving the gun about and shouting Allah hu Akbar, according to the Independent newspaper in the UK. The Islamic savage was said to be threatening people with the handgun. French police attempted to neutralise the savage with non lethal flash bangs, but the savage refused to put down his weapon which left the French police no choice but to kill the savage. There does not seem to have been any deaths or injuries in the Avignon attack, apart from the dead Muslim terrorist.

In addition to the Nice and Avignon attacks, France’s Consulate in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia has also been attacked by a deranged Muslim. The Islamic savage in this attack pulled a knife on a Saudi national who was guarding the consulate. Thankfully, the Saudi guard for the consulate was not seriously injured and the deranged Muslim attacker was taken into custody by the Saudi security forces. This savage is likely to face the death penalty in Saudi, something I’m not going to grieve about as it’s better than how the savage would have been disposed of by the British courts, which is incarceration for a ridiculously short amount of time in a cushy prison surrounded by like minded Muslims.

France has suffered greatly over recent years from Islamic savagery and has at least 250 French citizens or those visiting France have lost their lives to Islamic terror. The reason for the uptick in violent Islam in France is President Emmanuel Macron’s insistence that France will be a secular state with freedom to mock religion and his plan to curb the power of Islamic groups in France.

I hope and pray that President Macron holds firm against the savagery of Islam in the face of what are likely to be an ongoing series of attacks by deranged Muslims on France, French citizens and French interests. He has to stand firm because the enemy is so awful and destructive that no accommodation or compromise can or should be made with Islam. France has 5 million Muslims and if even 1% of France’s Muslim population are violent extremists, something quite likely, then that means that Macron’s government and the French people are facing a 50k strong army of violent savages. The French are going to have to go in hard against its Muslim population in order to stop this violence and get the extremists out of the Islamic community.  There can and should be no half measures here. This problem needs to be sorted out and sorted out soon before it plunges France into even greater conflict than there has been already. I’m not great fan of Macron but if he’s serious about tackling France’s Islam related violence and separatist problems, then he’s at least doing one good thing.

2 Comments on "Another jihad attack in France and an attack on a French consulate."

  1. Pres. Erdogan’s response:

    Macron is an Islamophobe and his fault – flag burning in Iran, Turkey etc

    Instead of saying “Enough, no more” EU & UK say “Come in, here’s some money”


    • Fahrenheit211 | October 30, 2020 at 7:19 am |

      Sometimes I think that the political elites are in love with some sort of fantasy Islam, an Islam totally divorced from the sort of Islam that the rest of us have to live with and often suffer.

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