Is it time to clap for this wasteful pile of cack again?

It seems that the ‘envy of the world’ that no  country has envied enough to copy, Britain’s National Health Service is hiring staff.  Unfortunately they are not hiring doctors or nurses or healthcare assistants, which they probably should be doing in order to provide to Britons the healthcare that they pay for through their taxes but which has been too often denied to them during the pandemic when the NHS has become a ‘covid only’ service.  Instead, according to the commentator Old Holborn, they are hiring yet more worthless individuals for even more worthless ‘diversity and inclusion’ posts.

Read the job advertisements below and weep at the utter and disgusting waste of resources that these posts represent. Clap for this lot?  You must be joking.


2 Comments on "Is it time to clap for this wasteful pile of cack again?"

  1. Stonyground | June 16, 2021 at 6:30 am |

    Well, we have to provide employment for all the worthless graduates from those universities cited in the next post.

    • Fahrenheit211 | June 16, 2021 at 6:44 am |

      Sadly you are very correct there. If this ‘intellectual ballast’ that the Universities are producing were just flipping burgers it would not be so bad but as you say it is these types who end up filling all these parasitical and worthless ‘diversity and inclusion’ positions. In these positions they suck resources away from more useful activities and generally make society and culture worse.

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