So who are you not going to vote for next year?

So which appeaser or Islamopanderer or naïve bleeding heart are you not going to vote for at the general election, if they are on offer in your particular constituency?

Are you not going to vote for Dhimmi David Cameron and his regularly exercised Pavlovian response to Islamic problems, his statement that whatever it is, is nothing to do with Islam?

Or maybe you are not going to vote for Labour’s Stephen Timms MP, who seems to concern himself more with pandering to Newham’s Muslims than wondering just why so many ordinary British people, of both black and white races I might add, have fled the shariah shithole that Timms represents and has helped to create?

You might even be tempted to not vote for Lucy Hurds, the prospective Liberal Democrat candidate for South Herefordshire who initially backed proposals for a halal slaughterhouse on her patch and didn’t bother to inform herself about the organisation behind the plans.

You could even consider not voting for Wes Streeting the prospective Labour parliamentary candidate for Ilford North. Streeting is a former high-up in the gay rights organisation Stonewall who is currently the deputy leader of Redbridge Council in London, which is going out of its way to appease and accommodate Islamic groups, and has even allowed a Muslim group to steal a community centre and turn it into a mosque. It is certain that readers of this blog will appreciate the tragic irony of a campaigner for gay rights, hobnobbing with Islamic groups and helping the grossly homophobic ideology of Islam gain more power in Redbridge.

If you live in Bermondsey you have the fantastic opportunity to not vote for Simon ‘The Straight Choice for Bermondsey’ Hughes, who seems to find no difficulty in locating both his Dhimmi and appeaser switches. Here he can be found brown-nosing Islam like it is going to suddenly go out of fashion. At least with Hughes we now know how to find him if he ever went missing, just look for his feet sticking out of the rectum of whichever Islamic cleric is “flavour of the month” among the Establishment.

It seems that in almost every Parliamentary constituency in the UK, there is at least one Islam appeaser standing for election. Never before have the British electorate been so spoilt for choice about which candidates not to vote for, and never have so many politicians been so keen to pander to an ideology that doesn’t just ‘not fit’ in our culture, but is a clear and present danger to both our culture and our nation.

If you don’t want an Islamic appeaser or Quisling as your representative, then make sure that you vote for a candidate that has not been or is not going to be an appeaser or a Quisling. It’s your choice, you can vote for an appeaser, or you could vote for someone else.

3 Comments on "So who are you not going to vote for next year?"

  1. If I lived in Luton I should vote for and whip up as much support as possible for Paul Weston.I shall not vote for ” all talk and no do ” DC or Minibrain.They got where they are by democracy.Bloody hell! Dave went to a school that specializes in politics – was he on an exeat the day they explained the meaning of DEMOCRACY?

  2. Ukip first BF next.

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