From Elsewhere: Just when you think Stephen Timms MP could not get any worse.

Stephen Timms MP. The dishonourable Member for Islamabad West and Gaza.

A while back I wrote about Stephen Timms the MP for East Ham South in the London Borough of Newham. Because of his inexplicable toadying to Islam and Islamic causes, I dubbed him ‘The Member for Islamabad West’. Sadly, Mr Timms has not improved on his behaviour and is now hanging round with supporters and funders of Hamas, the genocidal terrorist group.

Here’s the Harry’s Place website with the latest example of Hamas-hugging from a Labour MP.

Harry’s Place said:

You might think being stabbed by an Islamist extremist would make you very aware of the gravity of the threats the UK is facing.

But you would be wrong in the case of Labour MP Stephen Timms, for he is no such man. In the same week that his fellow Labour MP Gerald Kaufman wasspewing raw ancient hatred language, Mr Timms was doing his own digging in Labour’s pit by hosting Interpal in Parliament. Here he is (second from right) with Ibrahim Hewitt (right), Interpal’s chairman.

Interpal is at the heart of the Hamas UK network and its chairman Ibrahim Hewitt is a nasty fundamentalist. So nasty that even Oxfam found him too much:

Oxfam has cancelled an exhibition which was due to take place on Friday after Left Foot Forward presented information to the charity detailing homophobic and potentially anti-semitic comments made by one of the organisers.

The ‘Gaza: Through my Eyes’ exhibition was due to be hosted by Oxfam and Ibrahim Hewitt, a trustee of the Hamas-linked organisation Interpal who has called for the punishment of apostates and homosexuals.

Mr Hewitt has previously referred to the “so-called Holocaust” and has written that homosexuals would suffer “severe punishments” in an Islamic state for their “great sin”.

Hewitt tends to become shifty or indignant when his record is noted. As you would expect – his critics have his number. Consider this Newsnight segment, where Maajid Nawaz takes him on. Hewitt has several minutes to reject brutal sharia punishments. Does he? Of course not.

Hewitt’s much happier with his master Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas and his fellow Interpal trustee Essam Mustafa.”

When an MP hangs round with funders and supporters of Hamas as Timms has done then they show just how throughly the Labour Party has been corrupted by Islamic influences and Islamic concerns. Stephen Timms should no longer be considered as a Labour Party MP, but as an MP who primarily represents Muslims and Islamic interests. He is also a prime example of how the Labour Party has morphed into a de facto Islam party. I feel very sorry for the Christians, Jews (not many of Jews left in Newham these days – I wonder why?), Hindus and Sikhs who have the misfortune to live in his constituency, because they sure as hell are not getting as well served by him as the Muslims are.