From Elsewhere: Ann-Marie Waters addresses Left wing feminists.

Demonstration in Germany against their recently imported rapist Muslim 'refugees'.

As many others may have noticed, feminists of the Left have been behaving in a craven manner following the mass Islamic sex attacks that Europe has been suffering from. Excuse after excuse and minimalisation after minimalisation of the crimes of these Islamic rape fiends has been trotted out by feminist writers such as Laurie Penny in the New Statesman and Gaby Hinsliff of the Guardian. Talk about letting the sisterhood down, and these two especially are doing that.

However, there is one writer who is not going with the multikulti bullshit of ‘let’s find excuses or reasons, other than Islam itself, for these rapists’, which sadly appears to be the response of mainstream Leftist feminists. The name of that brave truth-telling writer is Ann Marie Waters.

In a stunning and hard hitting article on her blog, she hit out hard at Leftist and Establishment feminists whose first concern was not to confront the reality of the misogyny and extreme patriarchy of Islam, but to try to delude both themselves and their readers.

Ms Waters article was so astoundingly good and so accurate in its targeting, that it is difficult to know just what to take out as a representative excerpt so I would strongly advise anyone interested in the issue of the current epidemic of Islamic sex crime to go to her site and read the full article. Ms Waters set out her stall and said that she wasn’t going to lay into Laurie Penny in particular but just wanted leftist feminists to understand and absorb her opinion, that differs from that of Leftist feminists. In several paragraphs that should, if there is any justice, shake leftist feminists from their complacency and addressing the shouts of ‘bigot’ that vomit from the mouths of those feminists in favour of open borders, Ms Waters said:

……It isn’t bigotry or racism to observe and acknowledge reality, and there are some harsh realities that I wish you would take on board. I’m aware that as dyed-in-the-wool left-wingers, these realities will not sit well with you but they are real nonetheless.

Harsh reality number one – we are not “all equal”.

Leftists are absolutely wedded to the notion that we are all alike, that we all share the same values, and we all want harmony and justice. We don’t. Like it or not, there are a lot of people out there who want violence and misogyny, who want the right to marry off their daughters, or to mutilate their genitals. Some people are rapists, some are jihadists, and some take great pleasure from tearing the clothes from a woman in a public square on New Year’s Eve. This leftist naivety that causes you to sanctimoniously advocate for open borders on behalf of your fellow human being doesn’t take any account of the fact that the executioner is a fellow human being, the sharia oppressor is a human being, the mutilator is a human being. Not all human beings have good intentions, try to learn that and then use your common sense to determine who you want to have around you, and who you do not.

But here’s the one that leftists really don’t like – not all cultures are equal either. Some cultures are far superior to others, this is nowhere more evident than on the treatment of women. You rightly point out that sexual assault is a serious matter regardless of where it takes place, but the fact of the matter is that these attacks did not take place in Germany prior to now, and German men were not responsible for them. These were attacks carried out by immigrants in Germany, and most have come from Muslim-majority countries.

Rape rates are exploding all over Europe; Norway, Denmark, Finland, Austria, Germany, and especially Sweden. Most of these rapes are not being committed by native men, but my migrants, most of them from the Muslim world.”

Read the rest of this brilliant article by Ms Waters here:

Ms Waters speaks some powerful truths here, and they are truths that should not be ignored or dismissed by Establishment feminists, many of whom are middle class enough not to have to run the risks of attack by Muslims that other women have to face. Across Europe, men and women, most notably in Germany, have had a rude awakening to the reality of the barbarity and cruelty of Islamic male sexuality. Left wing and Establishment feminists are at a crossroads, they can choose the side of women, or they can choose to side with the Islamic rapists in order to protect the ideology of multiculturalism. Thankfully there are feminists like Ms Waters who have made the correct choice in coming down on the side of women’s safety, but there are far too many, such as Hinsliff and Penny who have chosen the wrong side.


Gaby Hinsliff’s article on how women were attacked in Cologne because of ‘smartphones’.

Laurie Penny accusing those who point out Islamic misogyny of ‘bigotry’.

3 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Ann-Marie Waters addresses Left wing feminists."

  1. Interesting that the banner is in English, the language that the world uses to talk to one another.

    Good luck to Miss Waters in challenging the Narrative. It will be an uphill climb. The politically correct, the multiculturalists and the feminists are greatly skilled in ignoring facts, evidence and logic, their eternal enemies.

    • Fahrenheit211 | January 14, 2016 at 6:02 pm |

      That’s a good one that is and sadly has a large element of truth about it. I’ve never been able to understand why Feminists of all people would defend Islam,it really is like turkey’s voting for Christmas.

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