I told you this would happen (Leicester edition)

A stereotypical angry mob from one of the Frankenstein movies


For at least the last few years or so, I’ve been extremely worried about what the effect would be on our societies of our Western governments doing little or nothing about their Islam-related problems. I was, and still am, extremely concerned about government policies that by not taking a realistic view of Islam and apparently favouring this ideology, could create a violent backlash that would affect innocent people. I predicted that there was a danger that if the majority non-Muslim population started to feel abandoned by the powers that be, then there was the possibility of mobs with flaming torches committing acts of violence against random innocent Muslims or disturbed and angry individuals taking the law into their own hands.

This sort of violent vigilantism is something that I am vehemently opposed to, I see vigilantism as a sign that normal social and political life may have broken down. I also oppose vigilantism for another reason. As a person who has, in a previous career as a photojournalist, covered public order incidents such as the Poll Tax Riot, the Wapping Dispute and numerous other protests such as Greenham Common, Molesworth etc, I have seen with my own eyes what ‘King Mob’ can do. To be frank it is really not pretty. I’ve seen leftist mobs attack upmarket shops or shops that the mob perceives to be upmarket, because to the leftists, destroying the shop, even if it puts the employees out of work, is a blow against ‘the Man’. This is both misguided and patently unjust.

I know from experience of public disorder, that angry mobs or angry individuals, even if their cause is just and reasonable, such as opposition to Islam, are unlikely to be able to distinguish properly between the guilty or the innocent among their nation’s Muslim minorities. It would be far far better to my mind if instead of having violent individuals or groups kick off at Muslims, we were governed by politicians who were more robust towards Islam. I believe that action against Islam and its followers can and should only come from the lawful authorities, if necessary using physical force, through a nation’s police and military.

I have warned consistently of the unwelcome consequences that could face European nations, if they fail to tackle properly their Islam-related problems, through the courts, politics and via the police and military. I warned that creating lots of angry, frightened non-Muslims, who feel abandoned by a State that gives the appearance of favouring Islam, had the potential to end very badly indeed. This blog has documented, in a series of articles entitled ‘I told you this would happen’, the occurrences of apparent vigilantism, against Islamic or other targets that the mobs have chosen. I have little doubt that many of these incidents are ones that may never have occurred, had governments taken a more robust line towards Islam and its followers and not created the conditions where vigilantism and similar sorts of attacks can occur.

Over the years, this blog has covered a number of these stories of revenge and vigilante actions in the ‘I told you this would happen’ strand. These incidents include arson at a planned ‘refugee’ centre in Saxony Germany, revenge attacks on the invaders in the Calais migrant camp and their enablers, along with attacks on random Muslims by vigilantes in Cologne, Germany. Also documented have been the goading of Muslims in Blackburn, Lancashire and of course the vehicular attack by Darren Osborn on the extremism-linked Finsbury Park Mosque in London. I believe that nearly all these attacks or vigilante actions could have been avoided, had different policies been applied by those in authority, policies that would recognise the threat posed by massive levels of inappropriate types of immigration and in particular the growth of Islam and Islamic influence on public life in Europe.

The reason for the lengthy preamble above, is that there has been another incident where someone appears to have snapped over the issue of Islam and engaged in wanton, unlawful violence towards innocent Muslims, conduct that is not just morally wrong, but is also counterproductive for the anti-Islam cause as no sensible person wants the movement to be associated with random violence.

Back in September 2017, a young man, Paul Moore aged 21, who was enraged by the epidemic of Islamic violence such as the 7/7 and Parsons Green attacks that has been inflicted on Britons, snapped and carried out a vehicular attack on innocent Muslims in Leicester. These Muslims were more than likely completely uninvolved in any of the depredations that we have faced from Islam and many of its followers. They were not linked to the terror or the rapes or the violence that are making people rightfully angry about Islam, the victims in this case are fundamentally innocent and therefore this attack was also fundamentally unjust. This case and its targeting of the innocent either from mistake or malice, shows one of the serious dangers that come with vigilantism, dangers that this blog has consistently decried, condemned but also warned about.

This was a pointless crime it really was. Although I must state that the actions that Moore took were wrong in themselves, they were also targeted, as many vigilante actions often are, against the wrong people. Moore did not choose to do violence against any target which some people might say was morally acceptable, or which could reasonably be seen protecting against a clear and present danger, such as an actual ‘Allah hu Akbar’ spouting Muslim terrorist or a Muslim caught in the act of abusing a child. Instead he targeted innocent people out shopping, leaving them with life changing injuries in an attack that should never have happened and may not have done had not successive government’s not shoved the Islam problems under the carpet, winding up people like Moore to a point where they snap. Moore has, quite rightly in my view, been gaoled for Life with a recommendation that he serve a minimum 20 years following a trial at Nottingham Crown Court, where he was found guilty of attempted murder and grievous bodily harm. Moore was said in court to have been motivated into committing his crime by previous Islamic attacks on Britons. The London Evening Standard in reporting the sentencing said:

A man has been jailed for life for trying to run over a Muslim woman and a 12-year-old girl as revenge for the London 7/7 bombings and the Parsons Green Tube station attack.

Paul Moore, 21, was sentenced to life with a minimum of 20 years at Nottingham Crown Court on Tuesday. He was also handed a lifelong disqualification from driving. 

He struck Zaynab Hussein as she walked along Acer Close in Leicester on September 20 last year. 

Mr Moore then turned his vehicle around and drove over her again as she lay injured in the road. 

Ms Hussein suffered a fractured pelvis and spine and a broken arm and leg. 

Mr Moore then tried to target a 12-year-old by driving at her. 

His half brother told the court: “He tried to put it down to the 7/7 bombings. He said he was proud of himself and doing the country a favour.”

This, like so many other similar crimes and similar outbreaks of vigilantism is of course appalling and I am unable to condone it. But, it was a crime that was also sadly predictable. There are towns and cities across Europe that have Islam inflicted on them by their governments which ignore residents who are more than aware of what Islam is all about and reject it. But, these places still get Islam dumped on them anyway, the Muslims are often then pandered to to the detriment of everyone else, which in turn causes more resentment among an increasingly angry non Muslim population. People start to stew and then boil with anger, anger that sometimes breaks out into violence. As I said, this sort of pattern is regrettable but sadly very predictable.

Sensible policies by governments towards Islam would in my opinion help to prevent the anger and the vigilantism building up and I pray hard that the vigilantism stops and we see the state step up to the plate, but until that happens things will continue to be tense. If we saw policies such as stopping the pandering towards Islam, enforcing the law against Muslim criminals, securing borders, along with deportations and citizenship removal of troublemakers and the burdensome in Muslim communities, then things could change. Such policies could go a significant way to showing the majority that the State has not forgotten them or is leaving them in desperation and danger at the hands of Islam. At present the policies of various Western governments towards Islam has to my view been far too conciliatory at best and at worst represent a form of appeasement of Islam and this will just rachet up the tension.

I have no wish to see more vigilantism, nor do I wish to see innocent people targeted for violence both for the reasons I have given in this ‘I told you this would happen’ pieces and others, but also because I know how the story of vigilantism ends and it can often end badly. Political vigilantism ends up, either directly or indirectly to the Killing Fields of Cambodia, the Chinese Cultural Revolution, the Gulags of the Soviet Union and the Concentration Camps of Nazi Germany. The semi-random rapacious nature of King Mob is a bad and unjust leader who often assaults the innocent with violence whilst the more wily guilty slip away to freedom. It is far better for the State to take considered action, including harsh action, against an ideology that is a national danger than for the private citizen to take the law into their own hands and undertake actions that are too often unjust and wrongly targeted.

If we want to make things truly better, we will not make things better by random vigilante violence against Muslim people or proptery or by the mob, that way madness and destruction lies. Instead we should all using the powers that we have in our hands to bring about change. We must use our votes and engage in peaceful protest to ensure that we are in future led by those who will do what is needed to counter the ideology of Islam and make good the failures of previous generations of European politicians.

1 Comment on "I told you this would happen (Leicester edition)"

  1. Basil Eustace | April 2, 2018 at 2:13 pm |

    While I agree that random violence is never justified, on tactical grounds rather than moral ones, at what stage does vigilantism become the only outcome and only recourse for the public? How many terrorist attacks,how many children raped, how much insult and injury, has to be endured before you would say that violence is not only inevitable but the only solution? Of course, if you live in the UK you may not be allowed to answer this question, having lost your right to free speech.

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