Now That ‘s Why Pakistan Is A S**thole volume 107 – Islamic anti-vaccine mob burns down hospital.


One of the great almost miraculous achievements of modern medicine is how diseases such as Smallpox have been completely vanquished by vaccination. Smallpox, which once ravaged and killed people across the globe, is now little more than a distant memory for many people. Polio, a disease that kills and cripples children in Britain and terrified those of my parent’s generation, looked like it was heading for the history books along with Smallpox and was almost completely eradicated.

However, in the shithole that is Pakistan Islamic superstitions about vaccines and conspiracy theories promoted by religious leaders have had devastating effects on vaccine take up rates and keeps Polio a problem there. The religious leaders put around stories that the vaccine is a ‘Jewish/HIndu/Western plot’ to turn Muslim’s sterile or ‘send them to hell’ with hidden pork products and have turned parts of Pakistan into a Polio hotspot.

Anti-vaccination lunatics are by their very nature woefully uninformed and pose a danger to others, not just to their own children but to those who have compromised immune systems from cancer chemotherapy or to those who have had organ transplants. By reducing herd immunity, unvaccinated people keep preventable diseases around and are a major public health problem to those who for medical reasons cannot be vaccinated.

It is a bad enough problem in the West that anti vaccine activists exist, but at least in civilised countries these idiots can be mocked and mocked they truly are by commentators such as ‘Illuminaughty’, Jeff Holiday and Miles Power. Unfortunately in less than civilised countries such as Pakistan, which is a nation dominated by Islam and Islam derived conspiracy theories and lies, the anti-vaccine lunatics are all too often extremely violent. In Pakistan, anti vaccine mobs and Islamic activists have created a climate of fear which has condemned children to death and disability from Polio. These Islamic savages have also attacked Polio vaccination workers and in some cases have murdered medical staff carrying out vaccinations.

The latest example of an anti-vaccination outrage from Pakistan comes from the Peshawar region where a mob set fire to a hospital after their children were given anti Polio medication. It appears that the children became ill at a school for some reason most likely unconnected to the vaccine but the mob blamed the vaccine for their children’s illnesses. The conditions that the children were affected with appear to be minor and are probably connected to the insanitary conditions in which many low income Pakistanis live.

The Times of India has reported on this story and it is one that shows the sheer retardedness of the type of society that Islam has created in Pakistan. Islam has turned what could have been a viable developing country at the time of independence from Britain into a sinkhole of shite, science denial, ignorance, lies and disease.

The Times of India said that 75 children had fallen ill and that the parents had blamed the vaccine despite there being no evidence for that being the case. They added that none of the symptoms reported by the parents are reactions to the vaccine and that these illnesses were caused by other reasons. The newspaper reported that following the outbreak of nausea, headaches and abdominal pains an angry mob of parents gathered around the hospital in the town of Mashokel to demonstrate but the mob quickly turned violent and set fire to the hospital.

It is interesting to note that whilst Polio has been almost entirely vanquished in the civilised world it is only in the Islamic world where this awful disease still poses a problem. Pakistan along with Afghanistan and parts of Nigeria are now the only places on the planet where Polio has not been completely eradicated. The fact that all these nations are places dominated by Islam is not a coincidence. Islam creates societies that are dominated by ignorance and superstition, where medical science is distrusted and where education in any area outside of Islam is disparaged and not valued. It is Islam and only Islam that has turned a once viable country into a violent, disease riddled hell hole and in my view the quicker the rest of the world learns how Islam has ruined Pakistan the better.