Sir Keir Starmer’s ‘Gillian Duffy moment’. Labour damned from now on.

Sir Keir Starmer leader of the Labour Party.


The poet John Donne once said that ‘no man is an Island complete and of itself’ and science and biology says that no man can have a cervix. Unfortunately the Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer seems to believe otherwise when it comes to the subject of which sex possesses a cervix.

In an interview with Andrew Marr when asked if it was ‘transphobic’ to say that only women have a cervix Starmer replied that saying that only women have a cervix was something that ‘It shouldn’t be said. It is not right.’

What utter bollocks is this? Of course it is only women that possess a cervix as it’s only women that carry babies and give birth and a cervix is a vital part of the equipment a woman needs to be able to do that. The fact is that here we have a leader of the Opposition who is so in thrall to the identity politics loons and the far extreme shores of the trans cult, that he considers it wrong to state the basic biological fact that only women possess a cervix.

This sort of behaviour by Starmer is described, I believe correctly, by Red Tory on Twitter as being Sir Keir Starmer’s ‘Gillian Duffy moment’. For those who are too young to remember the 2010 General Election, Gillian Duffy was a lady who asked an awkward question about immigration to then Labour leader Gordon Brown. Following the testy exchange with Ms Duffy Gordon Brown got into his car and unaware that he was still connected to a live wireless microphone called Ms Duffy ‘that bigoted woman’. The gaffe by Brown went absolutely viral and showed up Labour as being unwilling to listen to the concerns of Britain’s working classes about problematic immigration and excessive immigration levels. Because of Brown’s arrogant dismissal of Ms Duffy’s concerns as being bigoted, many people refused to vote Labour at the 2010 General Election and instead voted for other parties resulting in the Tories and the Liberal Democrats forming the first Coalition government since World War II.

There are indeed a lot of parallels between Brown’s arrogance and dismissal of valid concerns about immigration and Starmer’s faffing around the issue of who possesses a cervix and who doesn’t. The behaviour of Starmer makes him look like exactly what he is, a man divorced from the ordinary concerns of the struggling man and woman in the street and overly concerned with middle class leftist obsessions such as transgenderism. It is highly likely that Starmer’s cervix moment will be a hammer blow to Labour’s desires to regain control of government just as much as Brown’s dismissal of Gillian Duffy’s concerns about immigration destroyed his chance of election in 2010.


4 Comments on "Sir Keir Starmer’s ‘Gillian Duffy moment’. Labour damned from now on."

  1. All I can think of is the scene from Life of Brian when a guy called Stan announces that he wants to be called Loretta and have babies.
    Reg: You can’t have babies.
    Stan: Don’t you oppress me.
    Reg: I’m not oppressing you stan, you haven’t got a womb, where’s the fetus going to gestate, are you going to keep it in a box?

    In the end it is decided that they will fight the oppressors for his right to have babies because it is symbolic of our struggle against oppression. Reg’s parting shot is that it’s symbolic of his struggle against reality.

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 26, 2021 at 4:49 pm |

      The first time with Life of Brian the trans lunacy was a joke, sadly as we’ve seen from Starmer’s unwillingness to say that only women have a cervix it is being repeated as political tragedy.

  2. Siddi Nasrani | September 26, 2021 at 7:40 pm |

    Me thinks Starmer’s brain is pickled he is taking to many mind bending drugs !!!!

    • Fahrenheit211 | September 27, 2021 at 10:06 am |

      More like pickled by socialism. If Starmer had been taking mind bending drugs then he might be talking more sense than he does.

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