Shaun Wright gone at last.

Shaun Wright, the embattled, utterly discredited Police and Crime Commissioner for South Yorkshire, and subject of this blog’s British Neville Chambelain Award for August has, at last, resigned.

His resignation will not and should not be enough. If there was any justice in this world, or if Wright had any honour whatsoever, he would, for the crime of allowing the rape by Muslims of 1,400 of Rotherham’s children, girls and young women, retire to his drawing room, with a bottle of whisky and a revolver. It would after all be the decent thing to do. He deserves nothing more and nothing less for allowing Rotherham’s Muslims to rape their way through that towns child and female population.

Sadly, having observed how Wright has clung on to his post as PCC for even longer than can be considered respectably possible, it is obvious that what we are dealing with here,is not a man of honour, but a coward. He has hidden behind the trappings and power of his office and has cowered behind police allocated to protect him from the public’s quite justified wrath.

As we cannot expect Wright to accept that he has helped to ruin the lives of well over a thousand people, and blow his own brains out, the next best thing that we can hope for is that he is brought to trial for malfeasance in public office. Rotherham Council when it was either influenced by, or under the control of Wright let vulnerable British people get raped, assaultted and tortured, purely in order to keep the local Muslims sweet.

Wright must not be allowed to slip under the radar by merely resigning from the post of Police and Crime Commissioner, or slope off into the night with a big payoff in the manner of Sharon Shoesmith of Haringey who presided over the BabyP tragedy. There must be continued public pressure put on the relevant authorities by any non-violent means necessary, for Wright to face justice in the Courts.

This should also not be last resignation or sacking of the public ‘servants’ of Rotherham. The rot does not begin or end with Wright. Remember that the odious Joyce Thacker is still in her very well renumerated post.

Do not give up the pressure on Wright, on Thacker and all the others in Rotherham and elsewhere who have often looked the other way when the rape jihad machine comes to town.

I find it hard to wish death on anybody but I would not shed a tear or grieve if I hear, somewhere down the line, that Wright has grown a pair of balls and a sense of shame, and taken his own life. He was key figure in a council that stood by whilst the followers of an ideology, with many members who have openly decared war on all of us, did unspeakable crimes on Rotherham’s citizens.

He has fed the Islamic crocodile, and appeased it with offerings of Rotherham’s childen. The only way he could have done worse is if he gave these children and young women to the cruel, ancient pagan deity of Moloch.

If any man truly deserved to be referred to as ‘scum’ then that man would be Shaun Wright.

1 Comment on "Shaun Wright gone at last."

  1. You wish, Fahrenheit.
    Sadly, the only upgrading will fall to the stealth with which the public purse is raided to fund the crimes of our corrupt masters.

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