From Elsewhere: Britain’s Islamic Rape Gang problem, it’s now fair to call it a pandemic

An excellent, if anger-making piece from the Cherson and Molschky website, outlining, mostly for a non-UK audience, the problems that town after town in Britain are now having with Islamic Rape Gangs.

The piece, written by Paul Wilkinson, summarises the problem of Islamic sex criminals, a problem that the Leftist media, most notably the BBC, has done its very best to bury.

Mr Wilkinson said:

In Rotherham, Pakistani Muslim men groomed and raped, at the last estimation, at least 2,000 vulnerable white girls, some as young as 11 years-old. The number of victims coming forward is rising on average by about ten per week, and the media to an extent have stopped reporting the statistics. Just one abuse case would be one too many, leaving a damaged and scarred child as well as her tormented family, but these figures are truly shocking. The scandal was largely avoidable, and victims tell that the sexual exploitation is ongoing.

Rotherham’s infamy includes at least one murder when 17 year-old Laura Wilson became Britain’s first white ‘honour killing’ victim, at least one suicide, one girl doused in petrol, families of victims threatened and approximately one hundred children born as a result of these rapes.”

He’s correct about the way the media has handled this and to be quite frank the Fourth Estate has handled it very badly indeed. They have either attempted to report cases where Muslims have been arrested for sex crimes as if they were not connected or as if they have no commonality with one another. Much of Britain’s media and especially local and regional media has devoted an undue number of column inches to police officers bleating about ‘community cohesion’ or dishonest statements about how these crimes are not attributable to one particular community, even when such statements fly in the face of the available evidence. The police and the media have also continued to use the misleading descriptor ‘Asian’ to describe what are mostly Islamic offenders, thus smearing Sikhs, Hindus, Buddhists and those from the Far East, even though the majority, 80% in some towns, of those committing these type of offences are Muslim.

But it’s not just the police and the media who are guilty of hiding or minimising the effect of or ignoring Islamic sex crime, it is the fault of the whole politically correct establishment in central government, local government, the National Health Service, quasi governmental organisations, charities and political organisations. This was well put by Mr Wilkinson when he said:

The media chose to look the other way for as long as possible. For example, “The BBC was more interested in its self-righteous and bigoted United-Against-Fascism-style moral crusade in exposing BNP thuggery (a fact of no surprise to anyone) than it was in exposing the much bigger story of police and local authority evasions of responsibility that left vulnerable little girls to the mercy of criminal Pakistani gangs.

Left-wing ‘anti-fascist’ groups were more concerned with people they deem to be their ‘fascist’ right-wing opponents from ‘making ground’ and therefore took the conscious decision, that those vulnerable girls being raped were far more preferable than the issue being exposed and confronted. “It doesn’t matter how obvious a problem is, if their political enemies annunciate it then it must be rubbished”.

When Nigel Farage visited the UK Independence Party’s office in Rotherham he was prevented from speaking by trade union-funded, Labour supporting activists. The current Labour MP Sarah Champion thought denying an opponent’s right to free speech was hilarious and tweeted about it (which she later deleted).

However a particularly disturbing aspect of this tragedy was the systematic failings of the police, Labour-run Rotherham Council and social services, who all collectively knew what was going on.

In the ‘topsy turvy’ world of political correctness, police recently demanded that news agents provide them with a list of people who bought a copy of Charlie Hebdo. Yet in Rotherham, child rape victims claim the police even knew who some of the perpetrators actually were and effectively gave them immunity, while the victims were treated like the criminals.

Amazingly, in one case the police even took the fight to the abused child. A 13 year-old girl, “was found” by the police at 3am — in a semi-derelict house alone with a large group of adult males. She was drunk, the result of having been supplied with alcohol, and there was evidence that her clothing had been disrupted. She alone was arrested for a public order offence, detained, prosecuted, appeared before the Youth Court and received a Referral Order for which the Youth Offending Team arranged ‘reparation’, drug and alcohol counselling, art psychotherapy and victim awareness sessions.”

It’s now getting pretty obvious that political correctness and a Left leaning Establishment is poisoning nearly everything it touches, and it brooks no challenge, even when those challenging political correct assumptions about Islam are without doubt correct. Even those who step forward and speak rapidly find themselves sidelined or silenced, or worse. I myself have found myself banned by a religious group from speaking on their premises or at their events about Islam, Jihad or similar subjects because it goes against their central policy, a policy which seems to me to consist of parroting the words ‘Islam is a religion of peace’ and ‘Let’s ignore the jihad and be friends’. Although I believe in making peace with others and finding common ground with those who believe differently from me, I also believe that this is no time to be all ‘Kumbaya’ with Muslims especially as said Muslims are all too often either massacring non-Muslims or turning a blind eye to those Muslims who do.

Political Correctness and the appeasement of Islam has had appalling effects and has corrupted institutions to a degree not seen in Britain since the days of the pre-Great Reform Act ‘Rotten Boroughs’ and the open sale of Civil Service posts that happened prior to the Trevellan reforms of the 19th century. This has led to a situation where British girls have been readily sacrificed to the Moloch* of ‘diversity’.

Mr Wilkinson added:

The very institutions that have a ‘duty of care’ to young vulnerable girls were complicit in enabling and facilitating their sexual exploitation and trafficking by gangs of Muslim men. The authorities either did not believe the victims’ stories or refused to help. Institutionalised political correctness and the selfish careerists trumped the very essence of social care and all that entails, re: disclosure and safeguarding young children.

Rotherham’s Labour council wanted to project the outward image of successful integration and community cohesion, therefore more than two thousand vulnerable girls were ‘sacrificed’ by the authorities. When the media did finally report the scandal, Rotherham Council’s culture of denial included an attitude that “the media were out to get them“, and that “the story was exaggerated”. One councillor even said that she was told that a reporter from ‘The Times’ “had a thing about Pakistani men.


Importation of Islam into the United Kingdom has indeed caused a pandemic of some of the worst crimes that a society can fall prey to, rape, murder, violence and treason and as Mr Wilkinson has said in his piece has brought ‘no notable benefits’ to British society. The ordinary British citizen is paying a terrible price for the Establishment’s perverse desire to tolerate the completely intolerable.



Original article by Paul Wilkinson from the Cherson and Molschky website on Britain’s shameful Islamic Rape Gangs

Definition of Moloch the ancient idol to which children were sacrificed

7 Comments on "From Elsewhere: Britain’s Islamic Rape Gang problem, it’s now fair to call it a pandemic"

  1. Regarding “honour killing”, I hadn’t realised until reading the following piece that apparently the term has been deliberately misused to down play the number of male victims of murder:

  2. And our MPs are busy passing the law on plain cigarette packaging with no debate… They do need to justify their existence when all laws are sent to them from Brussels. Solving this terrible and shameful grooming problem is just too inconvenient for them and too difficult.

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 13, 2015 at 8:26 am |

      Well said there. The Government and the Left wing establishment are also using the Savile case to divert the public’s attention to the possible 100k victims of Islamic Rape Gangs. ON the subject of plain packaging it’s going to be an absolute gift to smugglers, counterfeiters, and other gangsters.

  3. We keep hearing these platitudes about how the vast majority of child sexual offences are still committed by white males. But surely that’s nonsense now isn’t it? I very much doubt that 2000 kiddies in Rotherham were raped by one Pakistani muslim bloke, there must be hundreds of them, maybe thousands across all the regions now reporting belated muslim paedo rings.
    So the crime statistics mean nothing, because the police have been covering up entire sectors of criminality.
    The officials, all of them, who have colluded in this need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting, and conspiracy. Because these things were covered up collectively, and that doesn’t happen without conspiracy.

    • Fahrenheit211 | March 15, 2015 at 8:42 am |

      “We keep hearing these platitudes about how the vast majority of child sexual offences are still committed by white males. But surely that’s nonsense now isn’t it? ”

      The ‘white males commit most paedo offences’ platitude is only correct because of a statistical sleight of hand and that is achieved by rolling up together all types of child sex offence ranging from cautions for having an ancient copy of Health and Efficiency or some Victorian porn (which does to modern eyes look a bit dodgy) on the top of the wardrobe right through to the most serious type of offence such as the sexual murder of children. When you look at on street or similar types of grooming related sex offence then it’s plain to see that the Bearded Savages are grossly overrepresented in these. The number of white British males involved in such offences is pretty small and the number of Bearded Savages involved is in out of all proportion to the size of the population of Bearded Savages.

      “I very much doubt that 2000 kiddies in Rotherham were raped by one Pakistani muslim bloke, there must be hundreds of them, maybe thousands across all the regions now reporting belated muslim paedo rings.”

      I think that the thousands of Bearded Savage sex offenders is more likely. I also believe that the wider Muslim community knew more and knows more about what has been going on. I’ve been lied to so many times by Muslims that I take their denials that nobody new anything with not a pinch of salt but a whole bucket load.

      “So the crime statistics mean nothing, because the police have been covering up entire sectors of criminality.”

      Agree, if the police are lying about the number of Bearded Savage rapists, what other types of crimes are they lying about? This blog has featured some pretty bad examples of police pressing victims of crime, in one case assault, not to make a fuss and to drop cases where Muslims are suspected of being involved see this case:

      “The officials, all of them, who have colluded in this need to be prosecuted for aiding and abetting, and conspiracy. Because these things were covered up collectively, and that doesn’t happen without conspiracy.”

      Agree again and it doesn’t need new laws we already have legislation on the books to deal with malfeasance in public office all it takes is the political will do sort things out, however voting for the Conservatives, Labour or the Lib Dems who don’t want to rock the boat and in some cases rely heavily on the whipped and often bent mosque vote is not the way to do it. Only voting for someone other than the Big Three or the lunatic Greens is the way to go.

      • Well well well. Now the Met is coming under investigation, on allegations of sexual abuse by senior police officers. Maybe now we shall start to see the truth being teased out. Nor do I believe that any problems are confined to the Met- they should be taking a look at every force that has turned a blind eye to the kiddie fiddler gangs.

        • Fahrenheit211 | March 16, 2015 at 1:22 pm |

          Agree there. I’ve noticed that there is one force that has not yet been fingered for covering up Islamic Rape Gangs and that is West Mercian. However, there has been a considerable amount of Islamopandering coming from them including coming down hard on those from Hereford who have voiced objections to a paedo and terrorism centre aka a Mosque, being imposed on Hertfordshire. West Mercian may also be giving backdoor funding to other Islamopanderers and their ‘diversity’ projects. I don’t think West Mercian is immune, and I also reckon that there is a huge Islamic rape scandal about to engulf West Midlands Police.

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