Some important information on Islamic Rape Gangs that needs restating

I’ve featured the work of the Law and Freedom Foundation before, and especially the very comprehensive report they did on the subject of Islamic Rape Gangs. Unfortunately the last time I featured it or highlighted it on this blog was approximately 1/3rd to ½ a million words ago. A long time and this report is so important that it deserves not to be buried among other words and stories.

I’m featuring this report again as it fills in many of the gaps in the story of Britain’s Islamic Rape Gang scandal. The scandal of Islamic Rape Gangs was and is not confined to Rotherham but is something that has affected any town or city that has a significant population of male Muslims.

The report covers much of the main issues surrounding the Islamic Rape Gang scandal. The fact that the gangs themselves are remarkably homogeneous in relation to religion and cultural background and the long term cover up by the police, local authorities and social services of these crimes. The report also deals with the fact that it is not only white British girls who are being targetted by Islamic Rape Gangs but other non-Muslim girls as well. The Sikh community has had to put up with Muslim rapists targeting their girls for decades, with very little done to stop the Muslim rapists being done by the authorities.

Although this report was published a while back (2014) and some of the data on matters such as forthcoming trials is now out of date, that should not negate the bulk of the content of this report.

If you want a proper background to the Islamic Rape Gang scandal and a background that is unencumbered by considerations of political correctness then this is the document for you.

I’d urge anyone concerned about what Islamic Rape Gangs are doing to our children to read this report and if necessary ask some awkward questions of their local police forces, councils and other agencies.

We need to be aware that it’s not just Rotherham, it’s not just Tyneside, it’s everywhere in the UK. Wherever there are Muslim males there is the potential for these sort of offences. Even if a town has little more than what is colloquially referred to as a ‘Paki Alley’ of takeaways there is the chance that Islamic Rape Gangs could be operating from there.

Finally, it’s important to realise that the phenomenon of Islamic Rape Gangs is not a racial one but a religious and cultural one. It doesn’t matter one jot whether the Islamic sex offender is black, white, brown or yellow, what is important is that the offender follows an ideology that sees women in general as being the property of a man and non-Muslim women as being even lower than that.

Please find below a link to the full report and also, just in case there are problems with the LFF’s website, there is also a copy of the report on this blog’s server.

Alternative download source


6 Comments on "Some important information on Islamic Rape Gangs that needs restating"

    • Fahrenheit211 | November 6, 2015 at 11:57 am |

      I’ll be commenting on that story later with especial reference to the ‘Morons of the Marches’ aka the ‘Ross for Refugees’ group.

  1. The LFF haven’t updated their page since last year. Are they still operational?

  2. Peter Mcloughlin | February 22, 2016 at 11:47 am |

    An updated version of my book (containing new chapters and additional discoveries) is now available in paperback and ebook formats.

    As you point out, the 2014 edition of the book is now quite seriously out of date. However, as I expected back in 2014 the ebook was ignored by the media. It was argued that this was because there was no paperback version of the book and that the subject was just too complex to be readily assimilated as an ebook. So, rather than just print the 2014 edition, I spent much of last year bringing it up to date and making it more suitable to exist in both print and ebook formats. Criticism I received about the 2014 ebook was incorporated into the print edition, making it a stronger work.

    Even as the book was going to press at the end of last year, there were major grooming prosecutions proceeding in Newcastle, Rotherham, Manchester, Rochdale, Luton and Halifax. Two of these trials have since concluded (and contain significant implications for this unfolding scandal). I have a website of material supplementary to the book here: There are some other significant cases which are in the pipeline and have not yet come to trial. This scandal has by no means peaked, despite what appears to be media collusion to keep reporting on it to a minimum . As the “News” section of the website shows, there are (apparently) unrelated cases/incidents every few days, and only time will tell what patterns and revelations will emerge from these apparently unrelated incidents. It seems logical that even with 200 convictions to date, far less than 1% of those involved with the grooming gangs have been brought to justice. I’m looking into ways to visually represent the family relationships between members of a gang and between gangs, and I doubt there will be any way in which such a network can be represented in the book.

    My aim is that the book and the website will complement each other, with minimal overlap. I plan to bring out updated editions of the book as time allows. However, between such editions, the website aims to be the best site aggregating material related to this scandal. Hopefully others will go through the material cross-referenced on the website and will notice patterns which I cannot see. The scandal really is too big for one person to grasp all of it, and the silence of the media these passed three decades is beyond deplorable. After five years immersed in this material, even I find myself going back to my book to remind myself of facets of this scandal which have not been analysed elsewhere, and I’m glad to have a hard copy to hand. Hopefully the next edition of the book will have an index, because at over 300 pages the book is far bigger than I would like it to be. But try as we did, we could not find any more material to remove from the book.

    If you would like to feature this comment more prominently, feel free to do so. I fear that buried down here, it may not be seen by others. Since the media seem determined to report on this scandal as a series of unconnected incidents, I will not be surprised if they continue to ignore the existence of my book.

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